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Research Briefs


Aligning CSR to core business capabilities and operating context can improve financial performance, especially in hard times

RESEARCH BRIEF - Strategic alignment between a company鈥檚 core business and the type of corporate citizenship it engages in鈥攃ommunity or environment鈥攊s more likely to benefit the financial bottom line, particularly during economic crises.

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Risky executive compensation incentives discourage corporate citizenship

RESEARCH BRIEF - Firms that remove executive compensation at risk鈥攕uch as equity-based incentives鈥攁re less likely to perform poorly on corporate citizenship. Firms that behave less responsibly also have a higher risk of stock price volatility.

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The effectiveness of UNGC

The effectiveness of United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) participation depends on the type of firm ownership

RESEARCH BRIEF - Research suggests that private firms significantly reduce their number of negative environmental, social, or governance (ESG) incidents after signing onto the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC).

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Board gender diversity and firm profitability

RESEARCH BRIEF - Board-level gender diversity contributes to a virtuous cycle of firm performance.

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With investment in governance, corporate citizenship improves financial performance

RESEARCH BRIEF - Researchers found that corporate citizenship impacts financial performance positively only after a threshold amount of investment has been made.

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How does a company鈥檚 community orientation affect ESG behavior?

RESEARCH BRIEF - Evidence from the banking industry suggests that smaller firms that are locally owned and managed react differently to fluctuations in financial performance than large firms with a more extensive geographic reach.

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CSR-based executive compensation works best for stakeholder-focused companies

RESEARCH BRIEF - CSR-based incentives for executives improve corporate citizenship performance for all companies. However, a firm whose governance emphasizes stakeholders over shareholders is more likely to benefit financially from such executive compensation structures.

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best in class CSR

Best-in-class CSR firms financially outperform their peers

RESEARCH BRIEF - Firms with top CSR programs receive higher relative market valuations than their industry peers.

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Women in top executive positions linked to better financial performance after industry crisis

RESEARCH BRIEF - Evidence from the banking industry suggests that firms with women at top executive levels are associated with better lending performance and lower default risk.

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Communicating CSR鈥攅specially responsible business practices鈥攃an influence consumer purchase decisions

RESEARCH BRIEF - Consumers who learn about a brand鈥檚 environmental or social initiatives at point-of-sale are more likely to purchase its products. This effect is even more pronounced when the messaging focuses on responsible business practices and operations.

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What makes a global company more likely to disclose environmental data?

RESEARCH BRIEF - Multinational corporations with more independent directors on their boards are more likely to make environmental disclosures, but this relationship is impacted by the national cultural context.

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Diverse partnerships may improve sustainability performance over time

RESEARCH BRIEF - Firms with more cross-sector partners tend to have better environmental performance.

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