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Research Briefs

gender board diversity

What do gender board quotas achieve?

RESEARCH BRIEF - Quotas increase gender representation on boards, however, companies that are already gender-diverse are more likely to see an increased diversity among managers and commonly only at top levels of leadership

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More women on boards: How increased representation can improve performance

RESEARCH BRIEF - Increased representation of women on a board can affect a company鈥檚 financial bottom line positively through improved CSR performance, and this impact is stronger for innovative companies.

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Higher ESG ratings can buffer against losses during crisis-driven market downturns

RESEARCH BRIEF - Firms with better environmental and social performance had higher stock returns, lower stock volatility, and higher operating profit margins during the pandemic stock market contraction in the first quarter of 2020.

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Support for work-life balance may be especially important for LGBTQ+ employees who experience work/life identify conflicts

RESEARCH BRIEF - For lesbian, gay, and bisexual employees who feel conflict between their work and home lives, having supportive managers who understand their outside responsibilities and views can increase job satisfaction.

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Governance and environmental activities linked to better long-term stock performance

RESEARCH BRIEF - Better CSR performance is linked to better long-term stock performance.

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In cause marketing campaigns, inherent customer generosity is a prerequisite to increasing purchase intent

RESEARCH BRIEF - The more generous a person considers themselves to be鈥攊.e., the degree to which they are willing to give personal resources to others鈥攖he more likely they are to express intent to purchase cause-related products.

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CSR Investment and Firm Risk

CSR investment and firm risk: influence of company and country-level factors

RESEARCH BRIEF - CSR investment can lead to a reduction in firm鈥檚 systematic risk if the investment is meaningful. The impact of CSR on firm risk is also affected by country-level factors, including national CSR and the legal environment.

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Greenwashing dampens employee engagement in CSR activities

RESEARCH BRIEF - When company actions differ from stated values, employee engagement in CSR activities is negatively impacted鈥攅specially for employees that consider their work meaningful.

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How global companies adapt CSR when acquiring firms in the US

Home country cultural norms may enable or discourage the CSR performance of a global company that acquires a U.S. company. Overall, while CSR performance tends to improve, this change is stronger for firms that started off with lower CSR performance.

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Framing the donation

Framing the donation: purchase intent and cause marketing campaigns

Adjust the framing of your cause commitments to maximize consumer goodwill.

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Corporate citizenship as an indicator of financial audit quality

RESEARCH BRIEF - Firms that are more socially responsible are more likely to demand high-quality audits.

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Employee Knowledge of CSR

Employee knowledge of CSR activities linked to satisfaction and commitment

Employee knowledge of CSR activities, regardless of type, can lead to increased job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and organizational citizenship behavior, while also decreasing turnover intention.

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