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Research Briefs


Volunteering boosts future pay for women

Volunteering can be its own reward. Researchers suggest that for women it can have long-term financial benefits as well.

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Companies are more likely to adopt energy savings initiatives when implementation disruption is low

Firms are significantly more likely to adopt energy savings initiatives that yield moderate economic benefits and easy to implement over ones that are more financially beneficial, but disruptive to the organization.

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Accumulated time and work intensity can impact employee compliance with rules

Longer breaks and more time off between shifts can lead to greater compliance with rules.

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Inclusive corporate policies increase firm value

Companies with inclusive policies for LGBT employees have higher stock returns, market valuation, and employee productivity.

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Inclusive leaders enhance team performance

By explicitly describing and valuing team members’ unique contributions, inclusive leaders can improve the performance of diverse teams by creating greater team identity and reducing perceived status differences among team members.

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When planning corporate giving efforts, firms look to their peers

When firms are determining their corporate giving efforts, they are influenced by their peers.

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Firms find greater value from corporate citizenship in countries with weaker market-supporting institutions

In countries where market-supporting institutions are weak, corporate citizenship or CSR initiatives improve a firm’s competitive advantages by reducing transaction costs and facilitating access to resources.

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Social activism impacts corporate political influence

Investments in corporate citizenship and the improved reputation that can come with such investments can help companies inoculate against the most severe effects of boycotts.

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Focusing on the future creates financial benefits now

Firms that take a long-term view and invest in corporate citizenship are rewarded with lower equity costs.

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After the disaster: How media attention affects the financial benefits of corporate disaster relief

Corporate disaster relief efforts that are prompt, make use of in-kind donations, and partner with an NGO result in greater media attention, which has positive short-term financial benefits.

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Firms with strong performance managing material environmental, social, and governance issues achieve superior market performance

Companies earning high ratings on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) indicators deemed material to their business financially outperform those with poor ratings on the same issues.

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When assessing the risk of a supplier or partner, consider its headquarters country

Attributes of a company’s home country account for double those of firm-specific characteristics when predicting the firm’s social performance.

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