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Research Briefs


Advantages vary with embedded premium approach to cause marketing

A series of three studies looks at how embedded premiums linked to charitable contributions affect purchase decisions. Researchers also weighed the affect of embedded premiums for charity against rewards to the consumer for product choice.

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Companies boost market value with good brand affiliation and reputation

This study looked at the importance of brand and corporate reputations in explaining variations in market-to-book value relationships.

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Consumer choice and context influence effectiveness of cause-related marketing

This research examines how giving consumers choice of a cause to support influences their response to cause marketing. It also considers how consumer and campaign characteristics impact the effectiveness of cause marketing.

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Corporate citizenship helps consumers identify with a company leading to business benefits and greater donations to nonprofit partners

This study investigated how consumer perceptions of a company鈥檚 social responsibility impact behavior toward both the company and its nonprofit partners. Findings suggest corporate citizenship can deliver benefits to both the business and nonprofit partners.

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Positive stakeholder relations are an asset for companies during good and bad times

In this study researchers analyzed the impact of stakeholder relations on the financial performance of firms. Their findings suggest that good stakeholder relations can have a positive impact on financial performance whether a firm is performing well or poorly.

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To gain support from senior executives for corporate citizenship initiatives, use rational arguments, data, and analysis that demonstrate benefits of the proposed program

This study looked at how performance on a strategic initiative was affected by its compatibility with an organization鈥檚 characteristics and capabilities. Researchers found it was particularly important for groups pursuing innovative strategic initiatives to demonstrate their benefits using data, analysis and/or arguments to gain organizational support.

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Good corporate citizenship behavior toward all stakeholders can help build trust in a firm among employees and customers

Researchers looked at how corporate responsibility-related experiences and beliefs influence stakeholder trust and positive intent toward a firm. They found that companies need to balance a variety of issues and that CR activities can have impacts in multiple directions on a wide variety of stakeholders.

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Consumer resistance to negative information

Researchers investigated how positive beliefs about various aspects of a company shield it against various types of negative information. The study results suggest that there is no crossover effect from one aspect to another but favorable opinions about a company in one area result in increased resistance to negative information in that same area.

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Short-term thinking leaves long-term value on the table

In a May 2011 speech, Andrew G. Haldane and Richard Davies illustrate that pressure to return value on a short time horizon causes investors to seek deals with higher initial returns despite the fact that investments with longer return horizons, such as infrastructure and alternative technology or supply chain management initiatives, often have higher cumulative returns over time.

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Building trust requires understanding stakeholder relationships

This study looked at how stakeholder trust in organizations differs based on the depth of the relationship and whether the relationship is internal or external. Researchers found that stakeholder perceptions of whether the values and behavior of an organization are aligned with their own play a significant role in trust in all relationships.

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Established corporate reputation mediates market response to a firm鈥檚 addition or deletion from CSR indices

In this study researchers looked at how being added to or removed from an index of socially responsible companies affects a firm鈥檚 financial performance. Results show that inclusion in a socially responsible index is mediated by the firm鈥檚 reputation prior to inclusion.

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Corporate citizenship enhances access to finance

Financially constrained companies are more likely to diminish investments in a wide range of strategic activities, including investments in inventory and R&D. This study suggests that firms with better CSR performance faced lower capital constraints, and companies with lower capital constraints typically enjoy better firm performance.

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