Frequently Asked Questions

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Can I double major or have a minor with a CS degree?
<p>Sure! Computer Science majors have a diverse collection of double majors and minors.</p>
Can I get credit for AP Computer Science and other AP high scores?
<p>Students who score a five on the Computer Science A exam, or a four or five on the Computer Science AB exam, or who have significant programming experience should consult with the Undergraduate Program Director about starting the Computer Science course sequence with CSCI1102.</p>
Can I substitute other math courses for CSCI 2243 Logic and Computation and CSCI 2244 Randomness and Computation?
<p>CSCI 2243 Logic and Computation and CSCI 2244 Randomness and Computation are required for the BA and the BS. These courses cover mathematical topics that are necessary for the study of Computer Science. Generally, students should take the sequence CSCI 2243 and CSCI 2244 during their Sophomore year.</p> <p>If you are doing a Math Major or a Math Minor, we accept the substitutions below. These substitutions are provided for students switching from the Mathematics major to the Computer Science Major, or adding Computer Science to a Mathematics major. We would expect those students to have taken substantially more mathematics than Computer Science students. Substitutions are not allowed to facilitate a CS student obtaining a Mathematics Minor. If you request a substitution and drop the major or minor, you will have to do the CS version of the course.</p> <ul><li>For CSCI 2243, Logic and Computation: MATH 2216 Introduction to Abstract Mathematics</li><li>For CSCI 2244, Randomness and Computation: MATH 4426 Probability</li></ul> <p>Be aware that BC has a rule regarding unique credits counting towards a major or a minor. So, in practice this means that students can double count 2 courses if they are double majoring in CS and Math and 1 course if they are doing a major in one and a minor in the other.</p> <p>Math Students doing Honors Multivariable and Honors Linear Algebra, usually get the credits Introduction to Abstract Math. The CS department does not accept that. Any student that has the Introduction to Abstract Math waived for any reason, has to do Logic and Computation.</p>
Can I use my AP credits for the science component of the BS?
<p>No, you can&#39;t. You have to do two semesters of science courses with a lab in a college setting to fulfill this requirement. There is a list of approved courses here.聽聽</p>
Can Information System / Business Analytics courses be counted as CS courses?
<p>No, if the course is not cross listed (have a CS number and a Business Analytics or Information Systems number) it will not be accepted as a CS course.</p> <ul><li>Cybersecurity courses from Woods College can be counted as CS courses?<br /> No, they are not accepted as CS courses.<br /> 聽</li></ul>
Do Computer Science students participate in Study Abroad Programs?
<p>They sure do! If you choose to study abroad, plan your schedule carefully, especially if you would like to spend your entire junior year abroad. The Office of International Programs has information and advising services available to students interested in studying abroad including scheduling and deadlines. They also have lists of courses previously taken and approved.</p> <p><br /> If you plan to take Computer Science courses abroad, verify that they will count for credit before your semester abroad. Make a list of several alternative courses, as often students find courses are canceled or closed. Your list should have the course, a syllabus, and sufficient information for us to make a judgment about the course level. Don&#39;t just email the university or a department URL, or list of a slew of courses. We can evaluate a reasonable number (say 5), but not the entire course catalog for your study abroad institution.</p>
Does Computer Science have a GPA requirement?
<p>Students enrolled in the Computer Science BS, BA, or Minor programs must maintain a grade point average (GPA) of 1.67 or above in the CSCI courses counted toward their program&#39;s requirements. This policy applies to students who declare any CSCI major or minor after the spring 2023 semester.</p>
How do I choose a course to start the math sequence?
<p>The Mathematics Department&#39;s Calculus Placement page shows you how to find the correct calculus course using your AP scores and high school classes.聽</p>
How do I find internships and jobs? How can I find out about graduate programs in CS?
<p>The md传媒国产剧 College Career Center has a wealth of information about graduate programs, internships, and jobs. </p>
How do I get summer courses approved?
<p>Check the BC academic policies before taking an external course (i.e. a summer course at another school). If the course is to fulfill a core, major or minor requirement, get prior approval from the corresponding department at md传媒国产剧 College. For example, mathematics courses are approved by the Mathematics Department. Computer Science courses are approved by the Undergraduate Program Director. Before registering for an external course, send the syllabus and course description to the Undergraduate Program Director of the appropriate department to determine if the course is equivalent to the course at BC. Please be clear about the requirement or BC course you propose the external course should satisfy. Complete a Course Approval Form and obtain department and dean&#39;s approval before registering for the external course. You are responsible for all paperwork, and for filing forms at Student Services.</p>
I'm a Junior. Can I switch to a Computer Science Major?
<p>Maybe, but CS is not a two-year major. If you have taken Calculus II for Science Majors and already have completed CSCI1101, CSCI1102 before the first semester of Junior year , maybe, but it will be challenging. If you haven&#39;t taken CSCI1101 and CSCI1102 before the first semester of your Junior year, you can&#39;t complete the courses before you graduate. Advanced CS classes have prerequisites that you simply can&#39;t complete in two years. If you fit the criteria above and want to declare the major, you have to schedule a meeting with the Undergraduate Program Director and show the 2 year plan (courses) that considers a maximum of 3 CS courses per semester. <br /> No exceptions will be made.</p>
What courses should I take Freshman year?
<p>Most students should take CSCI1101 in the fall semester, followed by CSCI1102 in the Spring.BA and BS students should take MATH1102 and MATH1103. BS students should consider starting on the science component of the degree by taking a two-semester science sequence with a lab.</p>
What is the difference between a BS and a BA in Computer Science?
<p>The short answer is the BS requires a CS ethics course, a Science component and three additional math courses.</p> <p>The BA program in Computer Science provides a solid foundation in the fundamentals of computer science and practical, hands-on experience with computing systems. The BS program in Computer Science provides a more extensive background in computer science and is well-suited if you are considering grad school or a more technical career (AI, ML, Quantum Computing and others).<br /> 聽</p>
What kind of computer should I buy?
<p>We don&#39;t require or recommend a specific laptop computer. Students and faculty use both PCs and Macs. We recommend you choose based on your personal preference. View information about purchasing laptop options at BC.</p>