
announces a multimedia curriculum for congregational interfaith dialogue

Walking God’s Paths

Christians and Jews in Candid Conversation

"Come, let us go up to the House of the Lord … that He may instruct us in His ways, and that we may walk in His paths." ­ Isaiah 2:3


produced for



Council of 


  • The Central Conference of American Rabbis

  • The Rabbinical Assembly

  • The Union of American Hebrew Congregations

  • The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism


Walking God’s Paths is a six-session process to stimulate candid conversation between Jewish and Christian congregations. Produced by the Center for Christian-Jewish Learning on behalf of the National Council of Synagogues and the Bishops’ Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, the series consists of 15-minute discussion-starting videotapes and a detailed online User’s Guide containing dialogue questions and resources. Participants will experience each tradition’s understanding of how it walks God’s path and how the two faith communities could relate to one another in positive ways.



The six sessions

1. A New Future: Building Shalom between Catholics and Jews

Offers an overview of the past, present, and future of Christian-Jewish relations. Introduces participants to the dynamics of interfaith dialogue and the different perspectives Christians and Jews bring to the conversation.

2. Shared Origins, Diverse Roads

Explores the Late Second Temple period that gave birth to Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism. Participants will see how the centrality of the Torah for Jews and of Jesus Christ for Christians was significantly intensified by the destruction of the Temple by the Romans.

3. Common Texts, Different Scriptures

Examines how the Bible both unites and divides Jews and Christians. Although Christianity and Judaism share many of the same scriptural books, they are arranged differently and read through different traditions of interpretation. Participants will experience this diversity by reading common texts together.

Sneak Preview!

3. Common Texts, Different Scriptures 


Click below for an online preview of an episode of Walking God's Paths.

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4. Season of Freedom, Season of Rebirth

In the springtime, both Christians and Jews celebrate the saving power of God. Participants will experience how the related feasts of Passover and Easter ritually re-enact defining foundational events for both religious traditions.

Sneak Preview!

4. Season of Freedom, Season of Rebirth

Click below for excerpts from this episode of Walking God's Paths from the website of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops..

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5. Metaphors for a Unique Relationship

Presents different ways of picturing the relationship between Judaism and Christianity. Participants will compare various images and examine how best they could impact the way Christians and Jews educate about each other. 

6. Mending Relationships, Mending the World

Old stereotypes and misconceptions still hamper Jewish and Christian rapprochement. While engaged in dialogue to overcome these problems, Christians and Jews are increasingly aware that both traditions understand themselves to have been given a mission to the world.  Participants will explore the significance for the rest of humanity of Jewish and Christian reconciliation.




Ordering Information

Walking God's Paths can be ordered in VHS or DVD formats for $49 plus S/H from:

UAHC Press Order Department

633 Third Avenue. New York, NY 10017-6778

Tel: 212-650-4120  / Fax: 212-650-4119

United Synagogue Book Service

155 Fifth Avenue. New York, NY 10010

Tel: 800-594-5617 / Fax: 212-253-5422

USCCB Publishing

3211 Fourth Street, NE

Washington, D.C. 20017

Tel: 800-235-8722 / Fax: 202-722-8709