
Transcending Boundaries:

md传媒国产剧’s Catholics and Jews, 1929-1965

Jenny Goldstein


Chapter 5 Notes

1. C. Wright Mills, "The Sociological Imagination," The American Intellectual Tradition 3rd ed. ed. David Hollinger and Charles Capper (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997), 301-308.

2. A Tale of Ten Cities: The Triple Ghetto in American Religious Life, ed. Eugene J. Lipman and Albert Vorspan (New York: Union of American Hebrew Congregations, 1962), 11, 42.

3. From an address on 25 May 1964 Cardinal Cushing presented at the New England dinner for the National Jewish Hospital in Denver. Cushing Papers, folder: Jewish groups, 1964-69, Archives, Archdiocese of md传媒国产剧, Brighton, Mass.

4. Philip Perlmutter wrote an article about his experience with the Catholic-Jewish Committee. His reflections will be published in America, the Jesuit weekly magazine. Interview with Philip Perlmutter, 17 November 2000.

5. A mensch generally means that a person has the qualities of a fine human being. "Richard Cardinal Cushing, A Mensch," The Pilot, 27 October 1995, Archives, Archdiocese of md传媒国产剧, Brighton, Mass.

6. Geoffrey Wigoder, Jewish-Christian Relations Since the Second World War (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1988), 82.

7. Geoffrey Wigoder, Jewish-Christian Relations, 82.

8. Although some Jews expressed disappointment at the "Guidelines," this second document went far beyond Nostra Aetate. It said Christians must strive to learn how Jews define themselves in the light of their own religious experience. All forms of antisemitism are condemned, not merely deplored and it warned against interpreting the Old Testament and Judaism as a religion of fear. It stated that Judaism did not end with the destruction of Jerusalem, but it has continued to develop a rich, religious tradition. Geoffrey Wigoder, Jewish-Christian Relations, 83.

9. Johannes Cardinal Willebrands, Church and Jewish People (New York: Paulist Press, 1992), 11-12.

10. On Jews and Judaism, John Paul II, 1979-86, ed. Eugene J. Fisher and Leon Klenicki (Washington D.C: NCCB Committee for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs and the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, 1987), 63.

11. Jack Bemporad and Michael Shevack, Our Age: The Historic New Era of Christian-Jewish Understanding (New York: New City Press, 1996), 65.

12. The Criteria for the Evaluation of Dramatizations of the Passion (Washington, D.C.: Bishops’ Committee for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs, National Conference of Catholic Bishops, 1988).

13. Zakim’s loss was an unfortunate loss for all md传媒国产剧ians. Zakim died at age 46 from cancer.

14. nterview with Monsignor Conley, editor of The Pilot and pastor, 15 February 2001.

15. Interview with Larry Lowenthal, area director of the American Jewish Committee, 20 February 2001.

16. One of many discussions with Father David Michael, Archdiocesan Liaison to the Jewish Community and Catholic Chaplain, Brandeis University. I am deeply indebted to Father Michael for his help and clarification on theological issues.

17. Professor John Michalczyk, chairman of the Fine Arts Department and Professor of Film at md传媒国产剧 College, recalled this story. Michalczyk, now laicized, also served as a priest at md传媒国产剧 College between 1964 through 1982 and produced the movies Of Stars and Shamrocks and a follow-up, December’s Dilemmas, chronicling Catholic-Jewish relations in md传媒国产剧.

18. John Winthrop, first Governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony, wrote this on board the ‘Arabella’ on the Atlantic Ocean en route to America. John Winthrop, "A Model of Christian Charity" in The Many Voices of md传媒国产剧: A Historical Anthology, 1630-1975, ed. Howard Mumford Jones and Bessie Zaban Jones (md传媒国产剧: Little, Brown and Company, 1975), 7.