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Here are the major points that were made: -What are the elements that need to be included in pre- and post tenure review of teaching? -The president would like more consistency across departments -Non tenure track instructors need review of their teaching for contract renewals- this is on the books already -Tenure track evaluations are expected but there is no mention of it in the statutes -Mentoring committees- should they be the same or different from the review committee? -Would the review formally be included as part of tenure materials? Pat said that it normally is, but what is included is inconsistent across departments. MAJOR RECOMMENDATION -Their should be a peer review process for all, how it is implemented could be up to each department, but it needs to be systematic. -Peer review of teaching should be cast as encouraging the exchange of best practice among faculty-- put it in positive and useful terms -The administration should do something to bring it to the attention of all It was decided that the committee would read the report that Chris had prepared and get feedback to him as to language and ideas so that we could begin the process of finalizing the report to the provost about this issue. Interdisciplinary Teaching This topic was also continued from last semester/year. We talked about the ideas we had talked about in prior meetings, that is, to organize a panel discussion over lunch on one of the topics that we had on our list last year. We will still need to address the issue of who gets credit with interdisciplinary courses. Many of the Deans are behind it, we just need ideas on how to get people together to discuss it. Minors may be a place to start. Dorothy talked about what Nursing has done with grant money in their program to form interdisciplinary efforts. Each school should think about what is most interesting for their students, and some departments want to make sure that these courses will count as part of the core. It was decided that schools should talk to their curriculum committee to see what topics they may be interested in pursuing. Chris noted that he would like to talk about late student withdrawals from courses next meeting. The remaining meetings for spring semester have been set for Fridays- March 18, April 5, and May 13 (tentative) from 9-10:30 in Waul House. . 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