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Three main topics were discussed: 1) Wording of the description of the TAM grants for this year, 2) Possible new additions to the `affinity groups identified earlier, and 3) Role of the new Center for Teaching Excellence including the definition and role of Master Teachers. 1) Since the UCT plans to earmark $75,000 of the TAM grant funds for technology related projects which will be handled by the ATAB, there was a discussion on whether we could commit to funding a particular number (i.e., 10) TAM grants in the TAM announcement. There was a consensus that due to this uncertainty, the actual number to be funded will not be mentioned in the new TAM announcement. There was also consensus to remove the sentence on using technologies in teaching from the TAM announcement, since this will be handled by the ATAB technology grants. 2) New additions to the `affinity groups were discussed. The new suggestions were: a) The Portico program run by the school of management b) A&S honors and Cornerstone programs to be added to the Perspectives & Pulse group c) Interdisciplinary programs 4) Digital Humanities There was a discussion on possibly adding Junior faculty as one of the affinity groups but questions were raised on how they may be incentivized to get involved. There was a mention of cultural diversity but the discussion did not go further. 3) Pat DeLeeuw had updates for us on the new Center for Teaching Excellence. The space has been identified and some potential activities of the center have been identified. 2/3rd of the permanent staff physically present in the center will be IDeS personnel. Sue Barrett will also move to the center. Other than this there were discussions on the role of the center. a) The question of a possible director was brought up. But since the directors actual role was not clear, establishing a director was not thought to be useful. There was some discussion on whether there should be a temporary director from amongst the faculty but this idea was not developed any further. b) There was extensive discussion on the role and need for `Master Teachers The gist of the discussion was that while the idea of Master teachers is good in principle, it may not be very practical. It was instead suggested that `Expert teaching consultants might be nominated for 1-2 years, who would take new or effective teaching methodology ideas to the different departments in the form of lectures or videos. These consultants would also be available for consultation. c) There was discussion on whether there should be a lounge in the new space. A kitchen was suggested instead. This was not resolved. d) It was suggested that the new faculty orientation might include a one-day long teaching orientation run by the center. This teaching orientation would be compulsory and possibly remunerated. The next session will be a joint UCT and ATAB meeting. The meeting is to be held Wednesday, January 9, 10:00am to 1:00pm at 2125 Commonwealth Avenue Prepared by Vidya Madavan  fO ?Z\hhzCJ^JhChCOJQJ^JhChzH*OJQJ^JhChzOJQJhChzOJQJ^JhCh:tOJQJ^J  4Q\]ef  N O ! 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