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Larry McLaughlin spoke about his desire as VPR to make a positive impact on research at BC. Larry shared his vision for the URC as an advisory group to the VPR. Steve Erickson spoke about secure data agreements that specify requirements for access to secure data (such as the NCES restricted data base) needed for research purposes. Data sets contain private information. Steve explained that the data must be protected on a stand-alone computer, in a separate space, with limited access. Periodic checks must be conducted to ensure that file cabinets are locked and computers are secure. Steve explained that as more students become aware that data set exists and as the Federal government makes more data available, there will be a need for more agreements, more restrictions and more equipment and space to maintain security. In this regard, space and funding for the equipment will be a concern. Steve Erickson spoke about the new requirements in the I-129 Form pertaining to export controls and limitation on H1B visa holders. The forthcoming changes will require universities to ascertain the type of information, data and equipment to be accessed by visitors and if export controls are involve. Organizations are objecting to this requirement and are requesting the rationale for it. Steve Erickson and Catherine Ives updated the group on the status of research-related policies: The Intellectual Property Policy is currently with the Provost for review and then will be sent to the President. Changes in the IP Policy include (1) placing responsibility on the faculty member to have students sign the IP agreement; (2) providing clarification of the section on equity to specific who controls the equity for faculty with a start-up company; and (3) specifying the disposition of copyright on media. There was discussion about the importance of obtaining signed IP agreements from faculty, post docs, grad students and undergrad students (only when they are paid on a sponsored project). Should an invention be made, the signed agreement indicates that the individual acknowledges the University IP Policy. Faculty members are responsible for obtaining the IP agreement from all individuals working in their labs, including visiting scientists. Policies still pending include: -Animal Research Policy: no major changes; currently in approval process -Policy on Centers and Institutes: to address what constitutes a center or institute, how they are formed and appropriate approval -Conflict of Interest (financial issues/equity in a company) and Conflict of Commitment (time commitments) Policy: revisions to current policy needed solely for sponsored projects to address Federal regulations; policy will also be applicable to agreements with industry -Data Retention: covers access to and retention of research data -Select Agents: required when threshold is exceed; must have a lab security plan Other topics discussed Overhead Return Policy: Researchers would like more information on the distribution policy and rollover of overhead return between fiscal years. The Provost and VPR are current redefining the process of overhead return. Buyout: For grant funded positions (post docs, research associates), 100% effort should not be charged to the sponsored project if the position is involved in writing proposals or other administrative work. Typically, 5% of a grant funded position should be paid from university funds and no more than 95% effort should be charged to the sponsored project. Clarification is needed on who should provide funds for the 5% effort. There was discussion about whether or not an employee working at 95% effort and working 5% on their own could be considered a full-time employee. Research Participant Pool: There was discussion about obtaining students to be research participants. It was suggested that students should be given credit for participating in a research participant pool as an incentive. It was also suggested that a pool of student research participants should be formed for access by all departments. Regarding the pool, it was suggested that LSOE, Psychology and Communications should discuss this possibility. The group was reminded that students should not be coerced into participating. Salary Levels for Research Positions: The group expressed concern about the lack of clear guidance on compensation levels for post docs, research associates and research assistants. The group felt that BC does not have competitive salary levels to attract excellent research staff. It was noted that Compensation has done some research and analysis for these types of positions at other universities and has formed a group (including OSP, Associate Deans for Finance and Administration and Vice Provost for Faculties) that is looking into a more equitable method of determining salary levels for these positions. The meeting adjourned at about 1pm.       |sjaUC1"h h5>*CJOJQJaJ"h h+"5>*CJOJQJaJhh@f)5CJaJh5CJaJha5CJaJh]*5CJaJh05CJaJhd 5CJaJhh5CJaJhhCJaJhh(E5OJQJaJhhU5OJQJaJhh(E5CJOJQJaJhh(ECJOJQJaJh$ZCJOJQJaJ%jhh(ECJOJQJUaJ 1 `  6 ^ v $a$gdD$a$gdgd6]66]6$]a$$6]6a$  1 B ` {  6 B C G U ^   Ǹ֚ssgXLg@h~CJOJQJaJhvCJOJQJaJh hvCJOJQJaJh CJOJQJaJh*0CJOJQJaJh`>CJOJQJaJh h>wCJOJQJaJh h CJOJQJaJh ho.CJOJQJaJh h}2CJOJQJaJh hICJOJQJaJh h0CJOJQJaJh hDCJOJQJaJhd CJOJQJaJ     S T jk4 $^a$gdVgdV $ & F a$gd~gd~ $ & F a$gdSgd|$ $ & F a$gd"gdW\ $ & F a$gd`> $h^ha$gd $ & F a$gd7$a$gd7$a$gdD    8 C R S T  ( O P b^⾲ʦsgsXsLsL@Lh#CJOJQJaJhBCJOJQJaJh"h"CJOJQJaJh#CJOJQJaJh"CJOJQJaJh"CJOJQJaJh|$hW\CJOJQJaJhW\CJOJQJaJh`>CJOJQJaJhCJOJQJaJh7CJOJQJaJh|$CJOJQJaJh+CJOJQJaJh h7CJOJQJaJh h`>CJOJQJaJ^_ijz?@$6EJ1Ll34VlиШМиĐиqhhV>*CJOJQJaJhVhVCJOJQJaJh*CJOJQJaJh$ZCJOJQJaJhh~>*CJOJQJaJhVCJOJQJaJh#CJOJQJaJh~CJOJQJaJh|$CJOJQJaJhBCJOJQJaJhcCJOJQJaJ'45U#$45wxu^gd6elv^vgd & F gd^gdgdgd~#$%456Dwxy">cV"wkkh\KCJOJQJaJh\Kh >*CJOJQJaJh#>*CJOJQJaJh CJOJQJaJh#CJOJQJaJh\Kh+>*CJOJQJaJh+CJOJQJaJh\Kh>*CJOJQJaJhhV>*CJOJQJaJhVCJOJQJaJhCJOJQJaJ*v^vgd & F gd6el h"jh"Uh+CJOJQJaJh6elCJOJQJaJ 2&P:pi / =!"#$% Dd88`  c <Abcseal4c1inb(׼ d'H,D n(׼ d'H,PNG  IHDRHHb3CuPLTEƭRRRJJJƵBBB9RBZJJ9B1J1凜9!kJR1cJZ9B!{ZckJkBRc1Z)R!sJsBsJk9Rƽs9k)޽֌ZքJZƭscs9ތJJƵ֌JJs!ƭ޵RB1ޭ{cskJք)k!ƥ{ƥƭ޵{Ɯck11!ބބZ)ƵֵZkZJBkJZZ9sεޭZJ)ksJ{RƜޥ֌ƥk{ΥZcΜBJB1΄眔έksBJc!1!cBJ11!skZ΄{s9ΥJZJB{Zk{޵Ƶֵcsk{9֥)Δ֥{kΜ{ZJ{skBRRRZZR{{{kccJRZB{{s{{)11))Zs{9JRBcs)筽JZkRc{BRkΥ9JsֵƜkkscckJJRBBJ99B))1!ƽƌkޭcBZ9sBc9k9B{9Bc{Z!BֵZs!B1)R)B!J1Rk)91R)1B)919!)ltRNS@fbKGDH cmPPJCmp0712Hs [IDATXGX |B-ks:') 8KHu@TܬTd4bQ rk6TRiAhlN,Ԗe[ݖ3WXn{I+eP? 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