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Miami: Convivium Press, 2018 Liberation through Reconciliation: Jon Sobrinos Christological Spirituality New York: Fordham University Press, 2016. Journal Articles & Book Chapters Christian Cross and Martyrdom: Jesuss response to a Violent World Studies in World Catholicism Series. Cascade Books, forthcoming The Option for Nonviolence in Latin American Liberation Theology: The Case of Archbishop Oscar A. Romero, International Journal of Latin American Religions, (2022) V.6: 98112 The Historical Jesus in the Context of Latin America Liberation Theology, Catholic Theology and Thought in Asia. Vol. 82, January 2019, 180-217. The Prophetic and Reconciling Word of Medelln, in The Grace of Medelln: History, Theology and Legacy. Miami: Convivium Press, 2018 Oscar Romero: Renewed by the Spirit, in With the Holy Spirit: Responding to the Giver of Life. Paulist Press, 2017 The University as Agent of Social Transformation: The Case of the University of Central America in El Salvador Journal of Catholic Higher Education 34 (2015), 281-299. Renewing the Theology of Martyrdom. Irish Theological Quarterly 79 (2014), 112-127. Oscar Romero: Model of Conversion. In All Holy Men and Women: A Paulist Litany, ed. Thomas A. Kane, CSP. Mahwah: Paulist Press, 2014, 59-68. From Conflict to Reconciliation: Discipleship in the Theology of Jon Sobrino. Theological Studies 74 (2013), 655-682. From Utopia to Eu-topia: The Mediation of Christian Hope in History. In Hope: Promise, Possibility, and Fulfillment. Paulist Press, 2013, 213-227. Cristologa en un mundo post-moderno: la propuesta de Roger Haight, S.J. Christus (March-April, 2013), 36-41. The Reception of Vatican II in Latin America. Theological Studies 73 (2012), 795-823. Living as Risen Beings in Pursuit of a Reconciled World: Resources from Jon Sobrino In Faith in Public Life (College Theological Society Annual Volume, 2008), 265-283. Book Reviews and Other Minor Publications Review of Discovering Pope Francis: The Roots of Jorge Mario Bergoglios Thinking. Edited Brian Y. Lee and Thomas L. Knoebel.  HYPERLINK "javascript:__doLinkPostBack('','ss~~JN%20%22Theological%20Studies%22%7C%7Csl~~rl','');" \o "Search for Theological Studies" Theological Studies, 81 no 3 2021, 768. Review of Jesus & Salvation: Soundings in the Christian Tradition and Contemporary Theology  HYPERLINK "javascript:__doLinkPostBack('','ss~~JN%20%22Theological%20Studies%22%7C%7Csl~~rl','');" \o "Search for Theological Studies" Theological Studies, 78 no 2 2017, 498-500 Review of Faith and Joy: Memoirs of a Priest Revolutionary, by Fernando Cardenal. Journal of Jesuit Studies, 3 (2016) 679-761 Celebrating the 50 Years of the UCA, SALVANET, Fall edition 2016. Review of Prophetic Rage: A Postcolonial Theology of Liberation, by Johnny Bernhard Hill. Theological Studies, 76 no 3 Sep 2015, 647. Review of In our Own Voices: Latino Renditions of Theology, ed. Benjamin Valentn. Horizons (Spring 2012), 159-160. Review of Romeros Legacy: The Call to Peace and Justice, ed. Pilar Hogan Closkey and John P. Hogan. Spiritus (Spring 2009), 111-114. Truth, Justice, and Forgiveness: Reconciliation in the Christology of Jon Sobrino. Dissertation abstract. Perspectivas (Fall 2007), 121-122. Selecteed Academic Presentations Reconciliation in Adjumani, Uganda. International conference Getting to Reconciliation: A Comparative Perspective, Sarajevo, September 15-16, 2022. Resilience in the Process of Reconciliation, Conference Catholic Peacebuilding in a Time of Crisis: Hope for a Wounded World. International Virtual Conference Sponsored by the Catholic Peace Building Network. June 20-23, 2022 The Legacy of Oscar Romero: Conversion, Prophecy, and Martyrdom Lecture sponsored by the School of Theology and Ministry, mdý College, October 21, 2021. Christian Martyrdom: Jesus Self-giving, Nonviolent Response to a Violent World, Conference Put Away Your Sword: Gospel Nonviolence in a Violent World. Center for World Catholicism and Intercultural Theology, DePaul University, Chicago, May 2019. La Recepcin de las Opciones de Puebla en la Teologa Latina de EE.UU. Conference Puebla 40 Anos Despues. Iberoamerican Unversity, Puebla, Mexico, April 2019. Medellin: Propheticism and Reconciliation. The 73rd Annual Convention of the Theological Society of America (CTSA), June, 2018 Conversion and Martyrdom in Michael Lees Oscar Romero. The 73rd Annual Convention of the Theological Society of America (CTSA), June, 2018. Presentation of book: The Grace of Medellin. International Conference on Medellin 50 Years Later. Universidad Xaveriana, Bogota, Colombia, April, 2018 Challenges of the Theological Task in the United States Universidad Xaveriana, Grupo Interamericano de Teologia, Bogota, Colombia, April 2018. Oscar Romero and the Transforming Spirt. Centre for Liberation Theologies in the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, February 18, 2016. A Liberating Spirituality for a Suffering World. mdý College Continuing Education Program. November 2015. The University as Agent of Social Transformation: The Case of the UCA in El Salvador. The 69th Annual Convention of the Catholic Theological Society of America (CTSA). June 2014. San Romero de America. Invited lecture at Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, MA. March 2013. The Question of Christian Salvation Today. Invited lecture at the Lutheran and Episcopal Ministry at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA. September 2012. A Renewed Vision of Justice. Invited lecture for the mdý College Prison Ministry Initiative, mdý College, Chestnut Hill, MA. February, 2012. Martyrdom: The Christian Response to Violence. The 57th Annual Conference of the College Theological Society. June 2011 A Theology of Reconciliation. Invited lecture to Healing Gods People Conference. Paulist Reconciliation Ministries, mdý College. April 2011. Theology as Task Guided by the Spirit. Theology Department Colloquium. mdý College. November 2009. Living Today as Risen Beings in Pursuit of a Reconciled World. The 53rd Annual Conference of the College Theological Society. June 2007. Other Presentations Christian Reconciliation Online lecture to leadership of Jesuit Refugee Services (JRS) May 20, 2020 Co-Homilist, Jesus Last Seven Words Paulist Center, mdý, MA, April, 14, 2017 15 Theological Presentations to the faculty of Catholic Secondary Schools in Victoria, Australia. Sponsored by the Principals Association of Victorian Catholic Secondary Schools (PAVCSS). July 9-31, 2016. Participant in the Colloquium, Vatican II: A Historical eventThe Stakes for Today. The Gospel in the Face of Cultures. Organized by the International Federation of Catholic Universities. Paris, France. April 2015. Commentator for panel discussion, A Faith that Does Justice: The Life and Legacy of Oscar Romero. Campus Ministry, mdý College. March 2015. Discipleship and the Ministerial Vocation. Talk given at the annual mdý College School of Theology and Ministry student retreat. 2013. Catholic Social Teaching and the Preferential Option for the Poor. Lecture given to the Arrupe Immersion Program, mdý College. November 2013. El Legado de los Mrtires: Ejemplo y Esperanza. Presentation as invited lecturer by the Consulate of El Salvador in New England. St. Luke Episcopal Church, Chelsea, MA. November 2012. Peace and Justice: A Hispanic Perspective. Keynote speaker for the Office of Hispanic Ministry in the Diocese of Grand Rapids Spring Conference. Grand Rapids, MI. May 2005. Commentator for panel discussion, Monsignor Romero: A Bishop for the Third Millennium. University of Notre Dame, IN. March 2004. Broadcast Media Appearance Video Recording: Ecclesiology: The Church as Communion and Mission for Crossroad videos, mdý College, September 2020. The Legacy of Oscar Romero, National Public Radio (NPR). Interviewed by Maria Hinojosa. mdý, MA. March 27, 2010. Courses Taught Foundations of Theology (University of Notre Dame) Fundamental Theology Christology Theological Synthesis I and II Latin American Liberation Theology Seminary on the Theology of Jon Sobrino Seminar on Theology of Johann Baptist Metz Seminar on Reconciliation in a Conflicted World Seminar on the Theologies of I. Ellacura, J. Sobrino, and O. Romero Additional Teaching Experience Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology School of Theology and Ministry at mdý College August 2010-2016 Instructor of Systematic Theology School of Theology and Ministry at mdý College August 2009- 2010 University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN Instructor, August 2007-May 2009. Taught Foundations of Theology. Sacred Hearts Parish, Malden, MA Director of Religious Education, 2001-2003 Jesuit High School, New Orleans, LA Head of Theology Department, 1998-2000 Theology Teacher, 1997-1998 Social Pastoral Experience Member of the New Orleans Province of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), 1992-2001 Pastoral work among Salvadoran war refugees in Chalatenango, El Salvador. Summer 2000. Taught summer enrichment classes to sixth-graders at Jesuit High School, New Orleans, LA. Summers 1998 and 1999. Part-time pastoral work with base communities in the inner-city of South Bronx, NY. May 1995-May 1997. Taught high school students in Bihar, India. Summer 1996. Pastoral work among undocumented immigrants at Sacred Heart Church, El Paso, TX. Summer 1995. Pastoral work among Salvadoran war refugees in Chalatenango, El Salvador. Winter 1993-Spring 1994. Volunteer at Hope Housean inner-city social center in New Orleans, LA. Spring 1993. Pastoral work among Mexican immigrants in McAllen, TX. Winter 1992. Professional Services Invited to peer review articles for Theological Studies and the Journal of Church and State. Invited to participate in a graduate teaching initiative at the University of Notre Dame to evaluate its Doctoral program in Theology. 2011 Other Related Professional Experience Member of Steering Committee for the Christology Topic Session of the Catholic Theological Society (CTSA), 2015- Present. Board Member of Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States (ACHTUS). 2014-2016. Member of the Steering Committee for the Creation-Eschatology Topic Session of the Catholic Theological Society of America (CTSA), 2011-2014. Chair of CRISPAZ (Christians for Peace in El Salvador), 2015-Present. Vice-Chair of CRISPAZ (Christians for Peace in El Salvador), 2012-2015. Member of the Catholic Conversation Project, 2011-Present. Honors and Awards Theology Departmental Fellowship, University of Notre Dame. 2003-2009. Graduate Assistant Teaching Award, University of Notre Dame. 2009. Hispanic Theological Initiative Dissertation Grant Recipient. 2007. Summer dissertation/research stipend from the Department of Theology, University of Notre Dame. 2007. Hispanic Theological Initiative Doctoral Grant Recipient. 2004 and 2005. Member of Alpha Sigma Nu Jesuit Honor Society Professional Affiliations Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States (ACHTUS) College Theological Society (CTS) Catholic Theological Society of America (CTSA)     PAGE  O. Ernesto Valiente CV  PAGE 2 @n   ! 5 6 J K U W X ӿϺ}yu}yqjy hghcWhghhcWh-hh-CJaJhhCJaJh`Hh;h`Hh5;h`Hh! 5; h_5: hCx:hHiqh 0J h`h h jh U jhhh/ hHhS hgu5hRzh5(@o K x< \0hTbp@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF Ib^b`gd4 \0hTbp@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF Igd hgd $ ha$gd K X  = > a 4 \0hTbp@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF Igd&uQ< \0hTbp@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF Ib^b`gd     " < = > _ ` a b    # $ % & * ݽ h 5 h_:h`Hh_;h`HhM;h`Hh@&5; h 5; hyhyh h1h`HhCx5;h`HhL(5;h&h&uQhyhhdCJaJh=hShhcWhd3    % & , iii4 M0hTP !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF Ib^b`gd, M0hTP !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF Igd 4 \0hTbp@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF Igd * + , - @ ` a |     7 : ; = @ G H P ` a b c п~yqyqlg hV!\ h>#\h>#h>#\ h[)P\hh0n5hh_5hh*E5hh05h h`Hhhh_h_h_6 hh6 hhhh hY\ hh\ hH"\ hh6\ hH"6\hn,hh6\hh@p5 h_5 hh5", -  < = > ? @ a b  h0^`0gd hgd, M0hTP !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF Igd4 M0hTP !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF Ib^b`gd T /0cd첡{qg`X`S{Kh(h(\ hY\hYhY\ hY6\hn,h6\hh6\ h\ hh\hXhX6\ hX\ h>#\hV!hV!\ hV!B*fHphq &hV!hV!B*fHphq hV!B*fHph"""q )hV!hV!6B*fHph"""q &hV!hV!B*fHph"""q  ./-.12;< h07$8$H$^`0gd9 V0hTP  !!$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I0^`0gd h0^`0gd h0^`0gd,-./&(+,/2ǿ|rkaWMhPGhT0J]hPGhT0J]hPGhT0J] hT0J]hPGhT0J]hGhT6hAhTh}. hAh}. hA6\h}.h}.6\ hA\h}.h}.\ h}.\ h(\h(h(\ h(.B*fHph"""q #h6B*fHph"""q )h(h(6B*fHph"""q 2TUVWXYZ&'+0:;<AB弸|xhwh= h h= h2\}h+" h2\}h_!h_! hh hpbo6h h 6h h h hCxh  h16hh6h*EhAhhZrhvhZqyh1h,h16hh h,h1/%Apqrst>IJLNOST_`dwxӿϴ˰zu hT5hh0n5 h`H5hhT5hhY0K5 h5 h0:hah/c hZr6]hZrh9c h@&hCxhCxh h+"6hhAh+"h1h+"h+"6 h(.h+" h1h_h hw hwhw-BCJKLMNxy hgdc9 hgd h0^`0gd9 V0hTP  !!$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I0^`0gd h07$8$H$^`0gd xy ݷݯ{j]jDj]@h&Z0h h<0J6>*B*eh@phr@h h<6B*ph!jh h<6B*Uph)h h<6B*eh@phr@&h h<B*eh@phr@h h<B*phhc9B*ph0h hc90J6>*B*eh@phr@h hc96B*ph!jh hc96B*Uphhc9hc96hc9 h=05>d+9 V0hTP  !!$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I0^`0gd(1 V0hTP  !!$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF Igd&Z9 V0hTP  !!$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I0^`0gd&Z1 V0hTP  !!$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF Igd<+<=>?fnpʶ}uqjf_fX hXMh_ hXMh&Zh&Z hXMhXMhXMhvh_6hhch`Hhvh_h_6h_h2\}hCxh 7 h<6hh<6h<&h<6B*]fHph"""q &h(6B*]fHph"""q hz,h(h(6B*]fHph"""q h(h(>?\\1 V0hTP  !!$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF Igd<9 V0hTP  !!$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I0^`0gd<9 V0hTP  !!$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I0^`0gd(hh\J h0^`0gd9 V0hTP  !!$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I0^`0gd1 V0hTP  !!$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF Igd&Z9 V0hTP  !!$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I0^`0gdNRS]cdefgiqrsdegij˿˷hU2qmH sH h/5:h`Hh/5;h`Hh2\}5; ha5;h2\}h<h&uQhThq}h#6hh#h8ZhohCx6h~ hCx6h/hjh^h`HhCxhCxhCx60hbcKL}x}}xgdkU`gdagda1 V0hTP  !!$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF IgdU2q1 V0hTP  !!$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF Igd h0^`0gd&uQ #IabcJKLM :><۷~m\m h~=hXB*\mH Xph"""sH X h~=hkUB*\mH Xph"""sH X#h]B*\fHph"""q #hXB*\fHph"""q )hkUhkUB*\fHph"""q #hkUB*\fHph"""q #hV!B*\fHph"""q #haB*\fHph"""q #hOB*\fHph"""q #LCG `9 V0hTP  !!$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I0^`0gd9 V0hTP  !!$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I0^`0gdkU 7$8$H$`gdX 7$8$H$gdkU^gdkU`gdagdkU NPs,GHPT[\ӿӿ˻ӫ|un h;p:h hE$hE$hMhE$ h?hE$h;p:mH sH hmH sH h 7mH sH hmH sH hE$mH sH hkUh !h 7hU2qhU2qH*mH sH h !mH sH hU2qmH sH h~=hkUmH XsH X1h~=hkUB*\fHmH Xph"""q sH X&9:[\9 V0hTP  !!$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I0^`0gd 71 V0hTP  !!$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF Igd !9 V0hTP  !!$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I0^`0gd[\( n59 V0hTP  !!$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I0^`0gd1 V0hTP  !!$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF IgdE$+ J0hTP !`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF Igd !5 V0hTP  !!$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I^gd $ % ' ( ) . 0 1 r s z { |  !!!! !!!'!.!/!#?#M#t#u#w#x#y#z########$$$촰hohh/ hmh/ 6 hhah[hahaH*h hahah2:E h[ghm h[gh[ghhah^iEh/h[g@""M#N#x####J$K$V$n+ J0hTP !`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF Igd5 V0hTP  !!$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I^gd1 V0hTP  !!$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF Igd $$*$A$C$H$J$K$U$V$W$c$d$f$v$x$y$z$$6%Q%R%Z%%%%&&&(&w&&¶~w~plpepa]UP hf_\hf_hf_\hf_h( h(.h[ph h(.h;p: h(.h] h(.h(h<h] h:5; h]5;hh "5;hh9c5; h5;hhGkY:CJaJ hGkY: hM:'hGkY0JB*CJOJQJ^JaJphhhGkYCJaJhhahohThoH*V$c$w$x$z$$$5%6%%vvvvv+ J0hTP !`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF Igd;p:1 V0hTP  !!$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF Igd, M0hTP !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF Igd %&&&&s't'rGrr+ J0hTP !`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF Igd3 J0hTP !`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I0^`0gd+ J0hTP !`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF Igd/ J0hTP !`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF Ih^hgd&&&&&&&&&&&&&&'4'7'<'='C'D'E'F'e'f'q'r's't'''''''ƵƋxtptpt\XpXpXphg&hh:B*fHphq hh9c$h0JB*fHphq *h9ch9c0JB*fHphq &h9chPSB*fHphq hPSB*fHphq &h9ch9cB*fHphq h9ch9c h{Mh{Mhf_hf_\ hn\ hf_\ h\"'''''''' ( ( ('(.(O(P(R(S(n(y(((((((((((()));)a)b)c)n){)|)})~))))))))** * ***?*G*H*I*J*h* hh9c h9c:h9ch h hnh5 h5h5 h h5h:hmH sH h:h:mH sH h:h5mH sH hnh)Mhh:hhg888888888໷h8`hq |heH;h= hY0KhkhhGu5;h6hhq7h8`h&5\hJ(h& hWhWh;hW h`bhihi h`bh`bhZrhS'h`bhS'h&5; h&5\ hS'5;077!8"8#8=8>8cccc. 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