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Fall 1996-2000 St. Peters University Jersey City, NJ Bachelor of Arts in Theology, Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy Awarded University Academic Scholarship. Awarded the Fallon Award and Rankin Medal for outstanding graduate in Theology and Philosophy, respectively. Received the Timlen Award for outstanding performance in Philosophy. TEACHING EXPERIENCE September 2011-Present mdý College Chestnut Hill, MA Director of the Faith, Peace, & Justice Minor (2018-Present); Associate Professor of the Practice (2024-Present), Assistant Professor of the Practice (2018-2024), Adjunct Professor (2015-2018), Teaching Fellow (2014-15) & Teaching Assistant (2011-12) Responsible for directing and expanding the interdisciplinary minor in Faith, Peace, & Justice. Teach, mentor, and direct Senior Theses for minors in the Faith, Peace, and Justice program. Mentor and Direct Senior Thesis for the Philosophy and International Studies programs. Teach Challenge of Justice, which is a theological and philosophical exploration of the concept of justice and examination of current social, economic, and political injustices. Teach Person and Social Responsibility, which is a year-long service learning course that fulfills both the theology and philosophy core requirements. Taught the Challenge of Peace; Peaceful Ethics: Social Action Leadership Methods; God, Self & Society; Restorative Justice and Prison Reform in Sydney, Australia; and Religion, Justice, and Reconciliation in South Africa, and Peace, Justice, and Reconciliation in the Balkans in Croatia. Taught Introduction to Christian Theology within Woods College of Advancing Studies, which is focused on offering educational opportunities to adult learners. Theology Faculty Ambassador for mdý Colleges Cura Psychologia: Cultivating a More Virtuous Psychological Science sponsored by the John Templeton Foundation. Selected to be a member of Cohort 17 of the Ignatian Colleagues Program. ICP educates and forms administrators and faculty more deeply in the Jesuit Catholic tradition of higher education in order to become leaders in mission formation and integration. Serve on the University Administrative Hearing Board (2020-Present), Pre-major Academic Advisor (2023-Present), Theology Department Executive Committee (2021-2023), and Theology Curriculum Committee (2019-2021 and 2023-Present). Nominated for the 2024 Pax Christi USA Teacher of Peace Award. Awarded the mdý College Alpha Sigma Nu Teacher of the Year award in 2022. Awarded the Donald J. White Teaching Excellence Award, which is awarded to teaching fellows for exemplary teaching, in 2015. August 2011-August 2018 Labour College Milton, MA Assistant Professor of Theological Ethics (2016-2018), Adjunct Professor of Theology (2011-2016) Taught Dying in the Human Life Cycle, a theological and ethical exploration of death from both personal and societal perspectives; Ethical Domains & Dilemmas, an upper-level bioethics course as both a traditional and hybrid online course; and Ethics, a critical academic introduction to ethical theory and issues with an emphasis on bioethics. Served as the chair of the General Education Curriculum Revision Committee. As chair of the committee, I co-authored a Davis Grant proposal that was approved and the college was awarded $150,000 to assist in the implementation of our new curriculum revisions. Served as chair of the Faculty Development Committee, which successfully revised Labours rank and tenure policy as well as revised the faculty handbook. August 2015-May 2016 Saint Anselm College Manchester, NH Assistant Professor of Christian Social Ethics, NTT Taught two sections of Christian Social Ethics, which is an upper-level elective exploring the social implications of Christian Ethics. I developed an experiential learning component for the course that was piloted in Spring 2016. Taught Conversatio, which is the required humanities course for first year students. This course serves as an introduction to liberal arts within the Catholic intellectual tradition. Fall 2003-May 2009 Rosemont College Rosemont, PA Adjunct Theology Lecturer Developed and taught A Faith That Does Justice, an experiential learning course focused on Catholic Social Teaching. Students experienced hands-on applications of Christian social justice within the local community. Taught one section each semester of Christian Ethics and Foundations of Religious Belief. Fall 2002-Spring 2009 Villanova University Villanova, PA Adjunct Theology Lecturer Taught multiple sections of Christian Theology: An Introduction. TEACHING PROFICIENCIES Twenty years of collegiate teaching experience engaging various constituencies including traditional in class learners, adult continuing education, and online education. Extensive experience with online teaching including proficiency in various learning management systems. Experience developing and teaching service-learning courses and international immersion courses. Proven success teaching the following courses: Ethics; Bioethics; Christian Ethics; Catholic Social Teaching; Christian Social Ethics; Challenge of Justice; Challenge of Peace; Peaceful Ethics & Leadership; Introduction to Christian Theology; Exploring Catholicism; God, Self, and Society; Foundations of Religious Belief; Survey of World Religions; and Core Humanities. Capable of teaching the following courses: Fundamental Moral Theology, Virtue Ethics, Catholic Healthcare Ethics, Peace-building & Conflict Resolution, Forgiveness & Reconciliation, Ethics of War & Peace, Augustinian Ethics, Sexual Ethics, Gender & Inequality, Liberation Theology, Business Ethics, Media Ethics, Religion & Culture, and Twentieth Century Christian Ethics. ADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE July 2003-July 2009 Rosemont College Rosemont, PA Director of Campus Ministry Implemented initiatives to promote the mission of the college: planned liturgies, retreats, prayer services, bible studies, community service projects, alternative spring break service trips, and social justice outreaches. Developed a thriving social justice ministry with overseas constituents in the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Mexico, Guatemala, and Chad. Created, developed, and implemented Cornelian Service Corps, which systematized and centralized all service initiatives at the College. PUBLICATIONS Cultivating Civic Virtue and Educating for Peace: Insights from Transitional Justice accepted for publication in the Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics, expected publication date is Spring 2025. Ethical Accompaniment and End of Life Care. Christian Bioethics XX (Fall 2024): 1-11. Catholic Social Teaching & Global Public Heath: Insights for COVID-19. Journal of Catholic Social Thought. 19, no. 2 (Summer 2022): 299-319. Peacebuilding, not Just War, is how to respond to the Ukrainian Crisis, SACRU Document on Ukraine In Light of the Holy Fathers Appeal for Peace (February 25, 2022) h HYPERLINK "ttps://www.sacru-a" ttps://www.sacru-alliance.net/sacru-international-document-on-ukraine/ The Role of Truth, Memory & Forgiveness in Reconciling a Divided Society: Lessons from Guatemala and El Salvador in Ajlina Karamehic-Muratovic and Laura Kromjk, eds. Remembrance and Forgiveness: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Genocide and Mass Violence (London and New York: Routledge Press, 2020), 98-113. Should Transitional Justice Promote Forgiveness? Insights from Guatemalas Recovery of Historical Memory Journal of Peace and Justice Studies. 20, no. 1 (2020): 3-24. Structures of Vice and Communities of Care: Reading Laudato Si from the Context of Guatemala Voices: EATWOTs Theological Journal, 39, no 2 (July-December 2016): 89-103. PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS Joshua R. Snyder, Scott Seider, and Elisa Magri, The Influence of Faith Socialization Practices on Character Formation & Social Responsibility: An Interdisciplinary Analysis, Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities Assembly on Faith, Justice and Reconciliation, Loyola University, Chicago, IL, July 16, 2024. Scott Seider, Joshua Snyder, and Elisa Magri, The Influence of Parents Faith Socialization on Young Adults Self-Reported Character Strengths, Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Seattle, WA, August 2024. Promoting Coherence in the Face of Intersectional Injustice: How CST Provides a Normative Framework for Addressing the Social Determinants of Health, Annual Conference on Medicine and Religion, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN, April 15, 2024. Cultivating Civic Virtue and Educating for Peace: Insights from Transitional Justice, Society of Christian Ethics, Annual Meeting, Chicago, Il, January 4, 2024. Trauma: Ruptures in Narrativity, Annual Meeting of the Society for Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, mdý College, April 21-23, 2023. Caring for Souls: Hospice not Physician Assisted Death at the End of Life, Annual Conference on Medicine and Religion, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, March 2023. Catholic Nonviolent Peacebuilding and the War in Ukraine, In Light of Ukraine: A Catholic-Orthodox Conversation on Just War and Oikonomia, Trinity College, Hartford, CT, December 7-8, 2022. Catholic Social Teaching & Global Public Heath: Insights for COVID-19, Institut fr Weltkirche und Mission, International Conference on The Mission of the Church in the Era of Global Public Health, March 30-April 1, 2022. The Impact of Climate Change on the Health of Marginalized Communities: Overcoming Structures of Sin through Theological Narratives, Annual Conference on Medicine and Religion, Oregon State University, Portland, OR, March 2022. Global Public Health as Priority for the Catholic Churchs Healthcare Ministry, Annual Conference on Medicine and Religion, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, March 2021. COVID-19 & the Common Good: Global Public Health Priorities for Catholic Healthcare Ministries Society of Christian Ethics, Annual Meeting in Portland, OR, January 2021. Narrative Truth, Racism, and Restorative Justice, Co-Sponsored Faculty Seminar: The Boisi Center for Religion & American Public Life and mdý College Center for Christian-Jewish Learning, mdý College, Chestnut Hill, MA, October 27, 2020. Suffering, Presence, & Advocacy: Lessons from Scripture Annual Conference on Medicine & Religion, Duke University, Durham, NC, March 2019. Justice in Hospice & Palliative Care: The Ethical Obligation to Expand Access to Holistic Care Annual Conference on Medicine & Religion, St. Louis, MO, April 2018. The Impact of Climate Change on Health within Indigenous Communities: A Moral Analysis Catholic Theological Society of America, Annual Meeting in Albuquerque, June 2017. Healing as a work of God: A Theo-Ethical Analysis, Annual Conference on Medicine & Religion, Houston, TX March 2017. "Religion Transforming Unjust Structures in Guatemala, Keating Lecture at St. Peters University, November 2016. Mercy and Justice for Whom? Reading Laudato Si from the Context of Guatemala, Catholic Theological Society of America, Annual Meeting in Puerto Rico, June 2016. Sexual Healing: The Little Pink Pill, Theological Ethics, and Participatory Justice, Annual Conference on Medicine & Religion, Houston, TX, March 2016. Illness, Healing and Spiritual Practices: Theological Perspectives & Ethical Priorities, Annual Conference on Medicine & Religion, Harvard University, March 2015. Re-establishing the Rule of Law in a Divided Society: Guatemalas Testimonio Initiative and Political Reconciliation, Society of Christian Ethics, Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL, January 2015. Inspirited Bodies: The Implications of a Christian Theology of Embodiment for Health Care Practices, Annual Conference on Medicine and Religion, University of Chicago, March 2014. Christian Medical Care for the Dying: A Virtue Approach to Accompaniment, Annual Conference on Medicine and Religion, University of Chicago, May 2013. Cry out to the Lord: Vocalization and the Ethics of Forgiveness, Mid-Atlantic Region of the American Academy of Religion, Baltimore, MD, March 2013. Ethics of Accompaniment & End of Life Care, Ethos Bioethics Conference, mdý College, April 2011. Published through the Graduate Student Journal Ethos. Borders, Sovereignty, and Catholic Reflection on the Responsibility to Protect, Lilly Fellow Summer Faculty Seminar: Religion, Power, & the New American Century, Rosemont College, May-June 2005. PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS 1999-Present American Academy of Religion 2011-Present Society of Christian Ethics 2012-Present College Theology Society 2012-Present Catholic Theological Society of America LANGUAGE COMPETENCY Spanish: Reading and Verbal Comprehension French: Reading Comprehension German: Reading Comprehension REFERENCES Stephen J. Pope, Professor of Theological Ethics, mdý College Email: stephen.pope@bc.edu Phone: 617-552-3892 Lisa Sowle Cahill, J. Donald Monan Professor of Theological Ethics, mdý College Email: lisa.cahill@bc.edu Phone: 617-552-3890 David Hollenbach, S.J., Pedro Arrupe Professor, Georgetown University Email: david.hollenbach@georgetown.edu Phone: 202-687-8546     Joshua R. Snyder, Ph.D. 6 Oakland St. 617-552-3886 Salem, MA 01970 joshua.snyder@bc.edu ___________________________________________________________________________--_  PAGE   PAGE 1    1CH_m@ p   ƹ|qee^Sh{y<h@6\] h{y<h@h{y<h@5CJ\hhaCJaJ h{y<hP# h{y<hMh(&hyOh h{y<h%h{y<h%6 h:q6h{y<hm6 h{y<hmh{y<ha56CJ\h 56CJ\h3h5CJ\h{y<ha5CJ\h 5CJ\h{y<htCJh{y<h@CJ C_8    V o  & Fgd ^`gdm`gdmgd@ & Fgd{y< & Fgd@gdP#^gda & Fgd  & Fgdm & Fgdm`gdmgda . 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