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B.A., 1970, highest honors in government OTHER POSITIONS 2017-2017 Fulbright Professor, University of Tallinn, Estonia HELD: 2016-2017 Visiting Professor, Yale University Graduate School of Forestry & Environmental Management and Center for Environmental Law & Policy 1997-1999 Visiting Scholar, Center for International Affairs, Harvard University 1981-2010 Senior Research Associate, Center for Science & International Affairs, Harvard University 1988-1997 Senior Associate, Cambridge Energy Research Associates, Cambridge, Massachusetts 1981-1997 Professor, Harvard University Extension School 1977-1981 Research Fellow and Assistant to the Director (1980-1981) Center for Science & International Affairs, Harvard University 1979-1981 Instructor, Kennedy School of Government Director, Energy & Security Research Program, Harvard University 1976-1977 Research Fellow, Marine Policy & Ocean Management Program, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 1975-1976 Guest Investigator, Woods Hole Oceanographic 1970-1974 U.S. naval officer, Lieutenant (1974) RESEARCH: The international, comparative, and US politics of energy and climate policies & measures; causes and consequences of decline in the international liberal democratic order; theory of individual political leadership at national & international levels; the monitoring and enforcement of international treaty systems; the politics of the US foreign policy making process; resources, security & American foreign policy; the foreign & domestic political-economic policies of authoritarian states TEACHING I offer five courses, three undergraduate each year and a rotation of two graduate seminars every other year. Undergraduate The Global, Comparative, and US Politics of Energy and Climate; Ideas and Values in American Foreign Policy; The Politics and Institutions of International Economic Relations; and Graduate seminarsInternational Institutions; and Global Public Goods and International Cooperation. TEACHING EXPERIENCE: 2017 The Tallinn Professor, graduate course on international cooperation, University of Tallinn, Estonia 2017-2017 Yale University, School of Forestry & Environmental Management, Graduate seminar on global public goods 1997-1998 Harvard University, Department of Government, Visiting Professor, Junior Seminar, Cooperation in World Politics. 1981 - 2018 Graduate seminar on Global Public Goods & International Cooperation; Graduate seminar on International Institutions; Academic director, B.C.s summer course on the European Union, taught in Louvain, Belgium; 6 credit summer course in Kuwait Oil & Politics in the Gulf; graduate seminars, Nation Building and American Foreign Policy, Institutions in International Politics, "Causes of International Peace and War;" graduate courses for School of Management on International Political Economy; graduate/ undergraduate lecture courses, Liberalism, Nation Building and American Foreign Policy, "Politics and Institutions of International Economic Relations;" "International Institutions: Public and Private." Undergraduate senior seminar, Evolution of Human Rights in Modern International Relations 1981-1997 Harvard University Extension: two graduate/under- graduate courses, "Introduction to International Relations," and "Topics in American Foreign Policy." 1990-1991 Brandeis University, Department of Politics: graduate/undergraduate seminars, "Politics and Institutions of International Relations;" U.S. Foreign Economic Policy" 1978-1981 Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University: graduate courses on comparative and international political economy of energy. EXPERT ADVISOR: US Fulbright Specialist Scholar Program, 2017-2022 Center for Environmental Law & Policy, Yale University, 2016-2018 Forum on Education Abroad, 2005 - Gettysburg College, Dean of the College, 2008 Carleton College, Dean of the College, 2001-2002 Various foreign governments, U.S. & foreign corporations, 1988- The Rockefeller Foundation, 1984-1988 International Juridical Organization, 1983-1986 Keystone Center, Keystone, Colorado, 1978-1985 M.I.T. Energy Laboratory, 1981-1985 State of Massachusetts, Bureau of Budget, 1983 National Academy of Sciences, 1982-1983 U.S. Department of State, 1980-1981 U.S. Department of Energy, 1980-1981 M.I.T. Department of Ocean Engineering, 1980 MITRE Corporation, 1980 Aspen Institute, 1980 U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, 1978-1980 U.S. Arms Control & Disarmament Agency, 1978-1980 International Energy Associates, Limited, 1978-1980 RAND Corporation, 1978-1979 States of California, Ohio, & Wisconsin, 1977-1981 International Atomic Energy Agency, 1976-1978 University of California, Berkeley, Institute of International Studies, 1976-1977 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE: Editorial Board, Environmental Sciences: Research & Advances Journal Book reviewer for MIT Press, Oxford University Press, Edward Elgar, Ashgate Publishing, Princeton University Press, ongoing Book series editor, Ashgate Publishing, United Kingdom, 2005 - 2012 National Advisory Board, Keystone Center, Colorado Editorial Board, ORBIS: A Journal of International Affairs Book review editor for international politics, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management Editorial reviewer for World Trade Review, International Security, International Studies Quarterly, Princeton University Press, Cambridge University Press Member of International Studies Association (1975- ) American Political Science Association, and various other professional organizations Faculty Senate, mdý College, 1984-1987 Director, International Studies Program, mdý College, 1986-2002 HONORS AND AWARDS: Led BCs broadest-based Schiller Institute Grant for Exploratory Collaborative Research, 2021-2022 The Faculty Climate Research Seminar, across nine MCS departments and four other schools mdý College eighty percent sabbatical awarded, 2022-2022 Selected by national peer review, second five-year term, US Fulbright Specialist Scholar, 2021-2026 Vice President of Board/Parish, First Church Belmont, MA, 2022-24; President of Board/Parish, 2024-2026 Chair, Ministerial Search Committee, First Church, Belmont, MA, 2019 Senior Research Scholar, Yale Universitys Center for Environmental Law & Policy, 2016-2017 mdý College eighty percent sabbatical award, 2016-2017 US Fulbright Scholar, Estonia, 2017 Numerous teaching and research grants, mdý College, 1985-2017 Faculty Research Affiliate, mdý College Center for Human Rights & International Justice, 2008 - Research Incentive Grant, mdý College, 2002-2003 Principal Investigator for U.S. Department of Education Title VI grant to mdý College, 1999-2002, with nationally acclaimed results and a second, consecutive Title VI grant won by mdý College, 2002-2004 Research Scholar, Yale University, 2001-2002 (declined) Visiting Research Professor, Harvard University, 1997-1998 Visiting Professor, Brandeis University, 1990-1991 Research Fellow, Harvard University, 1977-1981 International Relations Fellow, The Rockefeller Foundation, 1977-1978 Ruhl J. Bartlett Scholarship, 1977, and Mary P. Lord Fellowship, 1976-1977, the Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy Summer Fellowship, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1975 Full NROTC scholarship, honors major, and various special academic honors, Dartmouth College, 1967-1970 LANGUAGES: Fluent Spanish; limited Italian PUBLICATIONS: (Only those peer reviewed) Books: A Research Agenda for International Political Economy: Most Promising Pathways and Directions, Edward Elgar, edited, fourteen chapters, with the lead chapter by editor, 2022 The Causes and Outcomes of Trade Wars, in Research Handbook on Trade Wars, Ka Zeng and Wei Liang eds., Edward Elgar, July 2022 Forthcoming: Demand and Response from Global Public Organizations: Why They Failed to Regulate Greenhouse Gas Emissions from International Aviation and Shipping? Springer International, 2022-2023 The Handbook of the International Political Economy of Trade, editor, Edward Elgar, 2014, paper edition, 2016 Globalization: Cases and Effects, edited., 2012, Ashgate Publishing World Trade Politics: Power, Principles, and Leadership, 2008 London: Routledge (Taylor & Francis) The New Politics of American Foreign Policy, edited, St. Martin's, 1994 Oil Industry Strategies in the 1990s, edited, Cambridge Energy Research Associates, 1992. Energy and Security, edited with Joseph S. Nye, Harper & Row, 1981. Nuclear Nonproliferation: The Spent Fuel Problem, edited with Frederick C. Williams, Pergamon Press, 1979. Nuclear Power and Radioactive Waste: A Sub-Seabed Disposal Option?, Lexington Books, 1978. Spanish language edition, 1980. Book series: The Library of Essays in International Relations, 2005-2012 series editor for eleven volumes, Ashgate Publishing, England Benjamin J. Cohen, ed., International Political Economy, 2005 Ronnie D. Lipschutz, ed., Civil Societies and Social Movements, 2006 David Baldwin, ed., Theory on International Relations, 2008 Peter Haas, ed., International Environmental Governance, 2008 Robert Lieber, ed., Foreign Policy, 2008 Lisa Marin, ed., Global Governance, 2008 Bruce Russett, ed., International Security and Conflict, 2008 Joel Trachtman, ed., International Law and Politics, 2008 Ethan B. Kapstein & Joel H. Rosenthal, eds., Ethics and International Relations, 2009 Fred H. Lawson, ed., Comparative Regionalism, 2009 David A. Deese, ed., Globalization: Cases and Effects, 2012 Book chapters: The Politics of Failed Leadership in International Trade Policy, in David A. Deese, ed., The Handbook of the International Political Economy of Trade, UK, 2014 Why Political and Civil Freedom are Fundamental to Economic Freedom, Reform, and Restructuring, J. Hall & R. Lawson, eds., Economic Freedom: Causes and Consequences, 2011 Laggards or Leaders on Responsibility: The Oil Majors as Stakeholders? in David Schor, ed., Powers & Principles: International Leadership, Rowman & Littlefield, 2009, co-authored From Executive Crafting to Pluralistic Politics: Political and Economic Reform as Sequential, Cumulative Processes in Developing States, in Jeffrey Cason & Sunder Ramaswamy, eds., Development and Democracy: New Perspectives on an Old Debate, 2003. Hanover, NH University Press of New England The Hazards of Interdependence, in David A. Deese, ed., The Politics of American Foreign Policy. Making American Foreign Policy in the 1990s, in David A. Deese, ed., The Politics of American Foreign Policy. "The Vulnerabilities of Modern Economies," in R. Bissell & G. McCormick, eds., Strategic Dimensions of Economic Behavior, Praeger. "Economic Diplomacy in World Politics and East-West Economic Relations," in Peter Wallensteen & Miko Nincic, eds., Dilemmas of Economic Sanctions, Praeger. "Oil and Western Security: The Mobilization Dilemma," in Robert Pfaltzgraff and Uri R'anan, eds., The U.S. Defense Mobilization Infrastructure, Archon. "A Cross-National Perspective on the Politics of Radioactive Waste Management," in E. William Colglazier, ed. Radioactive Waste and Governance, Pergamon. "Energy & Security in Western Europe, in Deese & Nye, eds., Energy and Security, with Linda Miller. "The Oil-Importing Developing Nations," in Energy & Security "Conclusion: A U.S. Strategy" in Energy & Security," with Joseph Nye & Alvin Alm. "Introduction" and "Conclusion" in Nuclear Non-Proliferation: the Spent Fuel Problem, with Frederick Williams. Selected Articles: Analyzing Large Multinational Firms as Stakeholders: in International Politics, in STAIR, St. Anthonys International Review, 2009, co-authored with Susan Aaronson. Enriching Intellectual Discourse with Overseas Study and Work Frontiers Vol. XII, Nov. 2005. Why Political and Civil Freedom are Fundamental to Economic Reform and Restructuring, Journal of Private Enterprise, fall 1999. The Politics of Prosperity: Reforming Chinas Social- and Political-Economy, article and report published by Cambridge Energy Research (refereed by senior faculty at Harvard University, Stanford University, senior officials at the World Bank and selected non-governmental organizations), October 1997, 32 pp. At the Water's Edge: The Role of Regional Social Capital in Conflict and Cooperation Over Fresh Water," UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs, Spring 1996, pp 21-64. "Sizing Up the Global Electric Power Markets," Cambridge Energy Research special reports (refereed by senior faculty at Harvard University, Stanford University, senior officials at the World Bank and selected foreign governments, including US, India, China, and others), May 1996, 35 pp. "U.S. Unilateralism or Collective Security?" The Fletcher Forum, Winter 1991. "Energy and Security in the 1980's," Annual Reviews of Energy, 1983 (with E. William Colglazier). "Oil, War and Grand Strategy," ORBIS, Fall 1981. "Oil and Conflict in the Third World," The Fletcher Forum, Summer 1981. "Energy and Security," Harvard Magazine, Winter 1980/1981. "Energy: Economics, Politics, and Security," International Security, Winter 1979/1980. Selected Reviews: High-Table Diplomacy: The Reshaping of International Security Institutions, Kjell Engelbrekt, in Political Science Quarterly, Fall 2017; The New Global Trading Order: Choosing a New Direction for the Global Trade Regime, Dennis Patterson & Ari Afilalo, in Harvard International Review, vol. 30, no. 2, Summer 2008 Great Powers and Outlaw States Gerry Simpson, Cambridge University Press, 2004, in Political Science Quarterly, vol. 119, no. 4 fall/winter 2004-05, "Democracy and Democratization in the Age of Globalization," review of Robert Paehlke, Democracy's Dilemmas, MIT Press, in Harvard International Review, fall 2003 Recent Papers Presented: Demand and Response for Expanded IO Authority: Can Less Visible Specialized IOs Meet the Grade?, APSA 2020 A New Unholy Triangle: Globalization, Populism, and International Cooperation, for Populism & Climate Change panel, 2019 American Political Science Association annual convention, Washington, D.C. A Tale of Two Contrasting Cases: UN Specialized Agencies as Regulators of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from International Aviation & Shipping 2018 Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, San Francisco, CA, 2018 The Role of Nature & Environmental Protection in National Identity & State Legitimacy 2017 International Studies Association Annual Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, February Why States Fail or Succeed in Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions, 2017 Yale University, Graduate School of Forestry & Environmental Management, Faculty Research Seminar, March Blog In association with mdý College, regular blog on the International Liberal Democratic Order Recent Keynote Addresses US Leadership of International Climate Change Mitigation, 2017 Yale University Annual Environmental Sustainability Conference, April Recent Grants BC URF research grants, three each for spring and summer 2021     , 7 ; @ }  w y   m r 89fi Wŷŷŝŷŷ~~~ŏŷŏŷ!hNhQuB*CJ^JaJph"""hNB*CJ^JaJph"""hQuB*CJ^JaJph""" hCJ h "CJhNB*CJ^JaJph"""!hNhNB*CJ^JaJph""" hNCJ hQsCJ h[ACJ h^CJ h0CJ hCJ hGjCJ1:Ibrst% & , v  n  : u  gd^  `^``$ a$$a$u  7 i / a b YZ p^` gdm p^p`gd-.p-DM ^pgdQu -DM gdN pP^P WXYOPy}~   1`}~V]x h^>*CJ hCJ h"CJ hQsCJ hQuCJ hcCJ haCJ hegCJ hNCJ h0CJ hmCJ h-.CJ h^CJ hECJ hfdCJhfdhfdCJ h LCJhNhNB*^JaJph"""hNB*CJ^JaJph"""/rJ 0_*Z#Qj p  `^`` p^`$AuVK~ 3v @ 0^@ `0p^pgdsp^pgd^p^pgdcp^pgda p^p`  p  "$CuvG I y U!!!!!3"I"R"X"`""""O&P&&&&&&''ɽhQuCJaJhQuhQu>*CJaJ hsCJ hCJ h0CJ h [CJ hImCJ hcCJ hKCJ haCJ h[CJ h%CJ hQsCJ ht%CJ hY]CJ h%CJ h^>*CJ h^CJ3vwH T!!!2"W"""5### $E$$$$*% @ 0]^@ `0 @ 0^@ `0 pgd pp^p p pp^p`gd^ *%%%C&D&q&r&&&&R''()L)))S**+p^p]^`gd^ p]^pgds p]^pgd[A p gd^$ ^ a$p^pgds'-'K'Q'R'W'}''''''u((((((((((())()*)3)6)K)))))*S*g*****+D+ϺvkkvkvkvkvkvkvkvhNh^CJaJhNh^>*CJaJhNhv7CJaJhNhCJaJhNhfCJaJhNh"CJaJhNhf>*CJaJhNh">*CJaJhs >*CJaJhs hs CJaJhs hQuCJaJhNh0CJaJhQuCJaJh%CJaJ*+}+~+,F,,,-:-f---n.../M/l/00p^pgd^gdsgds p]^pgd^]gd^p`]^p``gd^ p]^pgdsD+~++++++ ,?,c,,,,,-%-3-N-_-}----- ...).+.4.P.g.n.}.~.........../ / /L/M/ض螘hs>*CJaJhSjxhf>*CJaJ hfCJ hsCJ h">*CJh-"h-"CJaJhW8h">*CJ huX CJh^CJaJhsh^>*CJ h"CJhh^>*CJ h^CJ h^>*䴳䴳1//////00011113272>22222&3333444555555566667#77778!8;;;;<<G<Y<p<s<<<<Ʒݰݰݰݰݰݰݰݰݰݧݰݰݰݰݰݒݰhxwh^CJaJhh^>*CJhh^CJ h^>*CJh-"h^6>*CJ]aJh-"h^>*CJaJh-"h^CJaJ h^CJ hfCJhSjxhf>*CJaJhshsCJaJ90 11c222Z334(556666L777.8g9:?;p^pp^pgd^$a$ H^`gd1 ^`^ ^`gd^?;;; <h<<<<N===>O>>>?? $p^pa$gd^ $p^pa$gd^$h^`ha$gd^$^`a$gd^ $p^pa$gdQl,$p^p`a$gdQl, p]^pp^p 0p]0^p<<<= ==M=N=r==========>0>N>O>P>o>p>>>>>ǼǭǼǢ~rfXfXIfhxwh^5CJ\]aJhxwh^5CJ]aJhxwh^5CJaJhsh^5CJaJhsh^5>*CJhsh^5CJhQl,h^5CJ\aJhN5CJ\aJhQl,hQl,5>*CJ\aJhQl,5CJ\aJhQl,hQl,5CJ\aJh^hxwh^5>*CJaJh"5>*CJaJ h^CJ h^>*CJ>>>>>>>=?Q?^?a?}???????@'@@A B BB)C*C.CCC̬̦}umeeuYuPhs>*CJaJhmhm>*CJaJhb[:CJaJhaCJaJhmCJaJhuX CJaJhs CJaJhb[:hb[:CJaJ hb[:>*CJ hs>*CJ h^CJhxwh^>*CJaJh^CJaJhxwh^CJ]aJhxwh^CJaJhxwh^5CJ\]aJhxwh^5CJaJh^h^5CJaJ??@A BMBwBB)C*CCCCC5D6DDDDDDDgd^gdb[:p^pgdb[: ^`gdb[: ^`gdap^pgds p^p`gdmgdsCCCCCC4D5D6D=DCD^DbDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDĺjhaUhaOJQJh(cjh(cUhvNh^CJ h%CJ hECJ hmCJhmhm>*CJ hE>*CJ hb[:>*CJh ]hb[:5hsCJaJhb[:CJaJhs>*CJaJhb[:hb[:>*CJaJDDDDDDDDgd^> 00P:p^/ =!"#$% Dps666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666866666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p(8HX`~8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k (No List @@@ Header  ! 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