ࡱ>  bjbj :p~_p~_$$8""6"8"8"8"8"8"8"$$'p\"\"q"6"6">8w/"""0"''&'D\"\"*"'$X |: 3-22 Abbreviated Resum NAME: Philip G. Altbach ADDRESS: Center for International Higher Education Campion Hall mdý College Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 Tel: (617) 739-3638. E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:Altbach@bc.edu" Altbach@bc.edu CURRENT TITLE: Research Professor and Distinguished Fellow, Center for International Higher Education, mdý College EDUCATION: University of Chicago, Ph.D., 1966 Field: Comparative Education Dissertation: Students, Politics, and Higher Education in a Developing Society, The Case of Bombay, India University of Chicago, A.M., 1963 Concentration: Educational Administration Thesis: James B. Conant as Educator and Policy Maker University of Chicago, A. B., 1962 Concentration: History PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Research Professor, mdý College, 2013--current J. Donald Monan SJ University Professor, 1996-2013 Professor of Higher Education, School of Education, mdý College, 1994-2013 Director, Center for International Higher Education, mdý College, 1994-2013 Professor, Department of Educational Organization, Administration and Policy, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1975-1994. Department Chair, 1985-88; Acting Chair, 1991. Senior Associate, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 1992-1996 Director, Comparative Education Center, SUNY at Buffalo, 1977-1994 Adjunct Professor, School of Information and Library Studies, SUNY at Buffalo, 1982-1994 Adjunct Professor, Department of Sociology, SUNY at Buffalo, 1992-1994 Visiting Professor, School of Education, Stanford University, 1988-89; Visiting Senior Fellow, The Hoover Institution, Stanford University, 1988-89, Summer, 1994 Visiting Associate, Center for Studies on Higher Education, University of California at Berkeley, 1981 Assistant to Associate Professor, Department of Educational Policy Studies and Department of Indian Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1967-1975 (Associate Chair, Department of Educational Policy Studies, 1970-71) Lecturer on Education, Harvard University, 1965-1967 HONORS: Who's Who in America (1988 through current editions) Honorary D. Litt, Symbiosis International University, India, 2017. Honorary professor of the National Research University-Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia, 2015. Houlihan award from NAFSA-Association of International Educators, 2013. Honorary PhD degree awarded by Rivier University, New Hampshire, 2013 Elected Fellow of the American Educational Research Association. 2013current Member of the International Academy of Education (elected in 2010) Howard Bowen Distinguished Career Achievement Award, Association for the Study of Higher Education, 2009. Lifetime Career Award from the Higher Education Group of the Comparative and International Education Society, 2010. Distinguished Scholar Leader of the Fulbright New Century Scholars Program, 2006-2007. Chair of the International Advisory Committee of the Graduate School of Education at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China. 2008-current. Member of the International Advisory Committee of the State Research University-Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia, 2010-2020 Fulbright professorships, India (1968) and Singapore-Malaysia (1984). Fellowships from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and the German Academic Exchange Service. Guest Professorships at Peking University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China and Zhezhang University, China. Visiting professorship at the Institut de Sciencies Politique, Paris. Taiwan government senior scholar. PUBLICATIONS: 1. Authored or co-authored books 21 2. Refereed journal articles 105 3. Edited or co-edited books 68 4. Bibliographical volumes 13 5. Special issues of journals 12 6. Book chapters 46 SELECTED PUBLICATIONS Books Philip G. Altbach, Global Perspectives on Higher Education (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2016). (Russian translation, HSE University Press, Moscow. Chinese translation, Educational Sciences Press, Beijing) Laura E. Rumbley, Philip G. Altbach, David A. Stanfield, Yukiko Shimmi, Ariane de Gayardon, and Roy Y. Chan. Higher Education: A Worldwide Inventory. (Bonn, Germany: Lemmens Media, 2014). Philip G. Altbach, The International Imperative in Higher Education. (Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers, 2013). P. Agarwal, ed., A Half-Century of Indian Higher Education: Essays by Philip G. Altbach (New Delhi, Sage, 2012). (Hindi translated edition, 2015). Philip G. Altbach, Liz Reisberg, and Laura Rumbley, Trends in Global Higher Education: Tracking an Academic Revolution. (Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers, 2009) Also published by UNESCO, Paris in English and French. Chinese translated edition by the Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press. Arabic translated edition by the Ministry of Higher Education. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Russian translated edition by RUDN University Press, Moscow). Philip G. Altbach, Tradition and Transition: The International Imperative in Higher Education. (Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers, 2007). Also published in Chinese by the Peking University Press. Philip G. Altbach (With Leslie A. Bozeman, Natia Janashia, and Laura E. Rumbley) Higher Education: A Worldwide Inventory of Centers and Programs (Revised Edition). Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers, 2006). Philip G. Altbach, International Higher Education: Reflections on Policy and Practice. (Chestnut Hill, MA: Center for International Higher Education, mdý College, 2006). Philip G. Altbach, Comparative Higher Education (Norwood, N.J.: Ablex, 1998). Also published in Japanese by Tamagawa University Press, Tokyo and in Chinese by the Peoples Education Press, Beijing, and in Spanish the Universidad Palermo, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Philip G. Altbach, Student Politics in America (New Brunswick, N. J.: Transaction, 1997) (With Ernest L. Boyer and M. J. Whitelaw), The Academic Profession: An International Perspective (Princeton, N. J.: Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 1994) Philip G. Altbach, Essays on Higher Education in International Perspective (Tamagawa, Japan: Tamagawa University Press, 1994). Japanese edition of selected articles. Philip G. Altbach et al. Higher Education and Scientific Development in Newly Industrializing Nations (New York: Praeger, 1989) (Asian edition by De La Salle University Press, Manila, Philippines, 1989; Japanese translation by Tamagawa University Press, 1993). Philip G. Altbach, The Knowledge Context: Comparative Perspectives on the Distribution of Knowledge (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1987). Philip G. Altbach, Higher Education in the Third World: Themes and Variations, (New York: Advent Books, 1987; also published by Maruzen Publishers in Singapore) Philip G. Altbach, University Reform: An International Perspective (Washington, D.C.: American Association for Higher Education, 1980). Philip G. Altbach, Comparative Higher Education: Research Trend and Bibliography (London and New York: Mansell Publishing Co., 1979). (Translated into Chinese and published in the People's Republic of China by Educational Sciences Press, Beijing, 1987). Philip G. Altbach, Publishing in India: An Analysis ( New York and New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1975). Philip G. Altbach, Student Politics in Bombay (Bombay: Asia Publishing House, 1968). Articles (with Hans de Wit) Internationalization in Higher Education: Global Trends and Recommendations for Its Future, Policy Reviews in Higher Education 5 (March 2021), 28-46. (with Hans de Wit) The Impact of COVID-19 on the Internationalization of Higher Education: Revolution or Not? Internationalization of Higher Education 2 (2020), 5-20. (with Eldho Mathews) Is Indian Higher Education Finally Waking Up? Change (May-June 2020), 54-60. Passing the Baton, Nature 574 (24 October 2019), S60. (with Liz Reisberg), Global Trends and Future Uncertainties, Change 50 (3-4, 2018): 63-67. (With Georgiana Mihut and Jamil Salmi) International Advisory Councils and International Governance. European Journal of Higher Education (2016): 1-20. (with Kara Godwin). A Historical and Global Perspective on Liberal Arts Education: What Was, What Is, and What Will Be. International Journal of Chinese Education, 5 (2016), 5-22. (with Maria Yudkevich and Laura Rumbley). Global University Rankings: The Olympic Games of Higher Education? Prospects 45 (2015), pp. 411-419. (with Hans de Wit). Internationalization and Global Tension: Lessons from History.Journal of Studies in International Education. 19 (2015) pp. 4-10. (with Maria Yudkevich and Laura Rumbley) Academic Inbreeding: Local Challenge, Global Problem, Asia Pacific Education Review, (August, 2015) Indias Higher Education Challenges, Asia Pacific Education Review 15 No. 4, (December 2014), 503-510. (with Roberta Bassett) Nix the BRICs: At Least for Higher Education Scholarship, Change 46 (September-October, 2014), pp. 30-32. The Emergence of a Field: Research and Training in Higher Education, Studies in Higher Education, 39 (October, 2014), pp. 1306-1320. Advancing the National and Global Knowledge Economy: The Role of Research Universities in Developing Countries, Studies in Higher Education 38 (April, 2013), pp. 316-330. The Prospects for the BRICs: The New Academic Superpowers? Economic and Political Weekly 74 (October 27, 2012), pp.127-137. The Globalization of College and University Rankings, Change (January-February, 2012), pp. 26-31. (with Liz Reisberg and Laura Rumbley) Tracking a Global Academic Revolution, Change 42 (March-April 2009), pp. 30-39. One-third of the Globe: The Future of Higher Education in China and India, Prospects ( 2009), pp. 15-27. The Imperial Tongue: English as the Dominating Academic Language, Economic and Political Weekly (Mumbai, India) September 8, 2007, pp. 3608-3611. Peripheries and Centres: Research Universities in Developing Countries, Higher Education Management and Policy 19 (No. 2, 2007), pp. 1-23. (with Jane Knight) The Internationalization of Higher Education: Motivations and Realities Journal of Studies in International Education 11 (No. 3-4, Fall-Winter, 2007), pp. 274-290. Fostering Asias Brightest, Far Eastern Economic Review (January-February 2007), pp. 53-57. (with N. Jayaram) Confucius and the Guru: The Changing Status of the Academic Profession in China and India, Journal of Educational Planning and Administration 20 (October 2006), pp. 395-410. Tiny at the Top, Wilson Quarterly (Autumn, 2006), pp.49-51. Higher Education Crosses Borders, Change 36 (March/April, 2004), pp. 18-25. (with Damtew Teferra) African Higher Education: Challenges for the 21st Century, Higher Education 47 (January, 2004), pp. 21-50. Globalization and the University: Myths and Realities in an Unequal World, Tertiary Education and Management 10 (no. 1, 2004), pp. 3-25. Knowledge and Education as International Commodities: The Collapse of the Common Good, Current Issues in Catholic Higher Education 22 (Summer, 2002), pp. 55-60. Research and Training in Higher Education: The State of the Art, Higher Education in Europe 27 (No.1-2), pp. 153-168. Academic Freedom: International Realities and Challenges, Higher Education 41 (No. 1-2, 2001), pp. 205-219. (with Ulrich Teichler), Internationalization and Exchanges in a Globalized University, Journal of Studies in International Education 5 (No. 1, 2001), pp. 5-25. Measuring Academic Progress: The Course-Credit System in American Higher Education Higher Education Policy 14 (No. 1, 2001), pp. 37-44. Private Higher Education: Themes and Variations in Comparative Perspective, Prospects 29 (September, 1999), pp. 311-326. (Also published in Arabic, Russian, French and Spanish editions of Prospects) The Logic of Mass Higher Education, Tertiary Education and Management 10 (Spring, 1999), pp. 107-124. (Also published in Chinese and Japanese). (with L. Lewis) Professorial AttitudesAn International Survey, Change (November-December, 1995): 51-57. The Dilemma of Change in Indian Higher Education, Higher Education 26 (July 1993): 3-20. Perspectives on Publishing in Africa, Publishing Research Quarterly 8 (Fall, 1992): 94-112. "Higher Education, Democracy and Development: Implications for the Newly Industrialized Countries," Interchange 23 no. 1 and 2 (1992): 143-64. "Trends in Comparative Education," Comparative Education Review 35 (August 1991): 491-507. "Third World Publishers and the International Knowledge System," Logos 2, no. 3 (1991): 122-26. "Patterns in Higher Education Development: Towards the Year 2000," Review of Higher Education 14 (Spring 1991): 293-316. "Impact and Adjustment: Foreign Students in Comparative Perspective," Higher Education 21 (May 1991): 305-24. (With Robert Cohen), "American Student Activism: The Post Sixties Transformation," Journal of Higher Education (January/February 1990): 82-49. "Twisted Roots: The Western Impact on Asian Higher Education," Higher Education 18, no. 1 (1989): 9-29. (also translated into Chinese and Japanese) "The New Internationalism: Foreign Students and Scholars," Studies in Higher Education 14, no. 2 (1989): 125-36. "Perspectives on Student Political Activism," Comparative Education 25, no. 1 (1989): 97-110. "The Oldest Technology: Textbooks in Comparative Context," Compare, 17, no. 2 (1987): 93-106. (With Gail Kelly), Comparative Education: Challenge and Response, Comparative Education Review 30 (February 1986): 89-107. "The Foreign Student Dilemma," Teachers College Record 87 (Summer 1986): 589-610. "Center and Periphery in Knowledge Distribution: The Case of India," International Social Science Journal no. 1 (1985): 109-18. (also published in Chinese) "Student Politics in the Third World," Higher Education 13 (November 1984): 635-55. Key Issues of Textbook Provision in the Third World, Prospects 13, no. 3 (1982): 315-27. "The Dilemma of Success: Universities in Advanced Developing Countries," Prospects 12,no. 3 (1982): 293-312. "The University as Center and Periphery," Teachers College Record 82 (Summer 1981): 601-21. "The Crisis of the Professoriate," Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 448 (March 1980): 1-14. "From Revolution to Apathy: American Students in the 1970s," Higher Education 8 (November 1979): 609-26. "Book Publishing in a Developing Regional Culture: The Case of Maharashtra, India," International Social Science Journal 31, no. 2 (1979): 328-40. "Servitude of the Mind? Education, Dependency and Neocolonialism," Teachers College Record 79 (December 1977): 197-204. Edited books Altbach, Philip G., Edward Choi, Mathew Allen, and Hans deWit, eds. The Global Phenomenon of Family-Owned or Managed Universities, Leiden, Netherlands: Brill, 2020. Altbach, Philip G., Liz Reisberg, Jamil Salmi, and Isak Froumin, eds., Accelerated Universities: Ideas and money combine to build academic excellence. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill, 2018. Altbach, Philip G., Liz Reisberg, and Hans deWit, eds., Responding to Massification: Differentiation in Postsecondary Education Worldwide. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers, 2017. Yudkevich, Maria, Philip G. Altbach, and Laura E. Rumbley, eds., International Faculty in Higher Education: Comparative Perspectives on Recruitment, Integration, and Impact. New York: Routledge, 2017. Mihut, Georgiana, Philip G. Altbach, and Hans deWit, eds. Understanding Global Higher Education: Insights from Key Global Publications. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers. Yudkevich. Maria, Philip G. Altbach, and Laura E. Rumbley, eds. The Global Rankings Game: Changing Institutional Policy, Practice, and Academic Life. New York: Routledge, 2016. Bastedo, Michael, Philip G. Altbach, and Patricia J. Gumport, eds., American Higher Education in the 21st Century: Social, Political, and Economic Challeenges, 4th edition. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2016). First edition published in 1998, second revised edition 2005). Japanese language edition published by Tamagawa University Press, Tokyo, 2000, Chinese language edition published by Higher Education Publishing Co., Taipei, Taiwan, 2003. Mainland Chinese edition, China Ocean University Press, Qingdao, 2006. Maria Yudkevich, Philip G. Altbach, and Laura E. Rumbley, eds., Academic Inbreeding and Mobility in Higher Education: Global Perspectives. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. Philip G. Altbach, G. Androushchak, Y. Kuzminov, M. Yudkevich, and L. Reisberg, eds. The Global Future of Higher Education and the Academic Profession: The BRICs and the United States. New York: Palgrave, 2013 Philip G. Altbach, Liz Reisberg, Maria Yudkevich, Gergory Androushchak, and Ivan Pacheco, Eds., Paying the Professoriate: A Global Comparison of Compensation and Contracts. New York: Routledge, 2012. (Chinese translation published by the Shanghai Jiaotong University Press. Russian translation published by the Higher School of Economics University Press, Moscow) Philip G. Altbach and Jamil Salmi, eds. The Road to Academic Excellence: The Making of World Class Research Universities. (Washington, DC: The World Bank, 2011). (Chinese translation by Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press, 2011, Russian translation by the Higher School of Economics University Press, Moscow, French translation by the World Bank). Philip G. Altbach, ed. Leadership for World-Class Universities: Challenges for Developing Countries. (New York and London: Routledge, 2010). (Chinese translation by the Renmin University Press, Beijing). Philip G. Altbach and Jorge Balan, eds., World Class Worldwide: Transforming Research Universities in Asia and Latin America. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007). Japanese language edition by Toshindo Publishers, Tokyo. Chinese language edition by Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press, Spanish language edition by ANUIES, Mexico City). Philip G. Altbach and Patti McGill Peterson, eds., Higher Education in the New Century: Global Challenges and Innovative Ideas. (Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers). Chinese language edition published by China Ocean University Press, Quingdao. James J.F. Forest and Philip G. Altbach, eds., International Handbook of Higher Education. (Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Springer, 2006.) Philip G. Altbach and Daniel C. Levy, eds., Private Higher Education: A Global Revolution (Chestnut Hill, MA: Center for International Higher Education and Rotterdam, the Netherlands: SensePublishers, 2005). Philip G. Altbach and Toru Umakoshi, eds., Asian Universities: Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Challenges. (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004. Japanese language edition from Tamagawa University Press. Chinese language edition from China Ocean University Press, Qingdao). Damtew Teferra and Philip G. Altbach, eds., African Higher Education: An International Reference Handbook (Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 2002). Philip G. Altbach,ed., The Decline of the Guru: The Academic Profession in Middle-Income and Developing Countries (New York: Palgrave, 2002). William A. Smith, Philip G. Altbach, and Kofi Lomotey, eds., The Racial Crisis in American Higher Education (Revised Edition). Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2002). Philip G. Altbach, Patricia J. Gumport, and D. Bruce Johnstone, eds., In Defense of American Higher Education, (Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001). Philip G. Altbach, ed., The Changing Academic Workplace: Comparative Perspectives (Chestnut Hill, Ma.: Center for International Higher Education, mdý College, 2000). Philip G. Altbach, ed., Private Prometheus: Private Higher Education and Development in the 21st Century (Westport, Ct.: Greenwood Publishers, 2000). Spanish translation published by Center for University Studies, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Japanese translation published by Tamagawa University Press, Tokyo, and Chinese translation by Peoples Education Press, Beijing, China. Philip G. Altbach, ed., The International Academic Profession: Portraits from Twelve Countries (Princeton, N. J.: Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 1997) Philip G. Altbach and Edith S. Hoshino, eds., International Encyclopedia of Book Publishing (New York: Garland, 1996). Philip G. Altbach, ed., Publishing and Development in the Third World (Oxford, England: Hans Zell Publishers, 1992). Robert Arnove, Philip G. Altbach, and Gail P. Kelly, eds. Emergent Issues in Education: Comparative Perspectives (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1992). Philip G. Altbach, ed., International Higher Education: An Encyclopedia (New York: Garland, 1991), 2 vols. Philip G. Altbach and Kofi Lomotey, eds., The Racial Crisis in American Higher Education (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1991). Philip G. Altbach and Gail P. Kelly, eds., Education and the Colonial Experience (New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction, 1984). Philip G. Altbach, ed., Turmoil and Transition: Higher Education and Student Politics in India (New York: Basic Books, 1968). Book chapters World-Class Universities and Higher Education Differentiation: The Necessity of Systems, in Y. Wu, Q. Wang, and N. C. Liu, eds. World Class Univrsities. Rotterdam: Brill/Sense, 2019. Pp 56-69. Edward Shils: Defender of the University. InThe Calling of Social Thought: Rediscovering the Work of Edward Shils. Edited by Christopher Adair-Toteff and Stephen Turner. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, 2019. Pp. 202-211 (with Laura Rumbley) The Local and the Global in Higher Education Internationalization, in E. Jones, et al, eds. Global and Local Internationalization Rotterdam, Netherlands, SENSE, 2016). Pp. 7-14. The Complexity of Higher Education: A Career in Academics and Activism, in M. Paulsen, ed.,Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research. (Dorderecht, Netherlands: Springer, 2014): 1-32. (with Liz Reisberg and Ivn F. Pacheco) Academic Remuneration and Contracts In P. G. Altbach, et al. Paying the Professoriate: A Global Comparison of Compensation and Contracts. (New York: Routledge, 2012) : 3-20. The Past, Present, and Future of the Research University in P. G. Altbach and J. Salmi, eds. The Road to Academic Excellence (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2011): 11-29. The Giants Awake: The Present and Future of Higher Education Systems in China and India, In Higher Education to 2030: Globalization. Paris: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 2009): 179-204. China and India: A Steep Climb to World-Class Universities, in J. Douglass, et al., eds., Globalizations Muse: Universities and Higher Education Systems in a Changing World (Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Public Policy Press, 2009), pp. 205-212. Higher Education: An Emerging Field of Research and Policy, in Roberta M. Bassett and Alma Maldonado-Maldonado, eds., International Organizations and Higher Education Policy (New York: Rougledge, 2009), pp. 9-26. Empires of Knowledge and Development. In P. G. Altbach and J. Balan, eds. World Class Worldwide: Transforming Research Universities in Asia and Latin America (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007): 1-30. Academic Freedom in a Global Context: 21st Century Challenges, in The NEA Almanac of Higher Education. (Washington, DC: National Education Association, 2007), PP. 49-56. (With Jane Knight). The Internationalization of Higher Education: Motivations and Realities, in The NEA Almanac of Higher Education (Washington, DC: National Education Association, 2006), pp. 11-20. Academic Challenges: The American Professoriate in Comparative Perspective, in ed. A. Welch, The Professoriate: Profile of a Profession (Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Springer, 2005), pp. 147-166. Student Politics: Activism and Culture, in J. Forest and P. Altbach, eds., International Handbook of Higher Education (Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Springer, 2006), pp. 329-346. Doctoral education in the United States: Present Realities and Future Trends, in J. Forest and P. Altbach, eds., International Handbook of Higher Education (Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Springer, 2006), pp. 65-82. (Also published in A. Ahsan and A. Abbasi, Education in a Rapidly Changing World: Focus on Bangladesh. (Dhaka: Independent University, 2005), pp. 119-135.) Globalization and the University: Myths and Realities in an Unequal World, in J. Forest and P. Altbach, eds., International Handbook of Higher Education (Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Springer, 2006), pp. 121-140. (Also published in The NEA Almanac of Higher Education (Washington, DC: National Education Association, 2005), pp. 63-74.) African Higher Education and the World, in African Higher Education: An International Reference Handbook, ed. Damtew Teferra and P. Altbach. (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2003), pp. 143-150. Student Movements and Associations, in Education, Society and Development, ed. J. B. G. Tilak. (New Delhi: APH Publishing, 2003), pp. 323-340. Higher Education: International Issues, in Encyclopedia of Education, ed. James Guthrie (New York: Macmillan, 2003), pp. 1027-1034. Higher Education in Context, in Encyclopedia of Education, ed. James Guthrie (New York: Macmillan, 2003), pp. 1023-1027. How are Faculty Faring in Other Countries? in The Questions of Tenure, ed. Richard Chait (Cambridge, Ma.: Harvard University Press, 2002): 160-181. Gigantic Peripheries: India and China in the International Knowledge System, in Knowledge Across Cultures, ed. Ruth Hayhoe and Julia Pan. (Hong Kong: CERC, University of Hong Kong, 2001): 199-214. Professors and Politics: An International Perspective, in The Politics of Educators Work and Lives, ed. Mark Ginsberg (New York: Garland, 1995): 233-248. (with Jason E. T. Tan) Comparative Education: Currents Issues and Trends, in P. G. Altbach and J. E. T. Tan, Programs and Centers in Comparative and International Education: A Global Inventory (Buffalo, NY: Comparative Education Center, 1995), pp. ix-xxi. The American Academic Profession: Persistent Themes, Escalating Concern, Introduction to Logan Wilson, The Academic Man (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 1995), pp. ix-xxv. International Knowledge Networks, in International Eyclopedia of Education, eds. T. Husen and N. Postlethwaite (Oxford: England, Pergamon Press, 1994): 2993-2998. Student Political Activism and Student Movements, in International Eyclopedia of Education, eds. T. Husen and N. Postlethwaite (Oxford: England, Pergamon Press, 1994): 5775-5783. Gigantic Peripheries: India and China in the World Knowledge System, Economic and Political Weekly 28 (June 12, 1993): 1220-1225. Students: Interests, Culture and Activism, in Higher Learning in America, 1980-2000. ed. Arthur Levine (Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993): 203-221. "Student Movements and Associations," in Encyclopedia of Higher Education, ed. B. Clark and G. Neave (Oxford, England: Pergamon, 1992), 1740-49. "Politics of Students and Faculty," in Encyclopedia of Higher Education, ed. B. Clark and G. Neave (Oxford, England: Pergamon, 1992), 1438-44. "Publishing in the Third World: Issues and Trends for the 21st Century," in Publishing and Development in the Third World, ed. Philip G. Altbach (Oxford, England: Hans Zell, 1992), 1-27. (Reprinted in Peter Golding and Graham Murdock, eds., The Political Economy of the Media (Cheltenham, England: Edward Elgar Publishers, 1997), pp. 308-323 "Textbooks in International Perspective," in The Politics of Textbooks, ed. Michael W. Apple and Linda Christian-Smith (mdý and London: Routledge, 1991), 242-58. "Access to Knowledge Networks: Problems and Possibilities for Southeast Asian Scholarly Books," in Academic Publishing in ASEAN, ed. S. Gopinathan (Singapore: Festival of Books,1986), 127-42. (With Y. G. M. Lulat), "International Students in Comparative Perspective: Toward a Political Economy of International Study," in Research on Foreign Students and International Study, ed. P. G. Altbach, D. H. Kelly, and Y. Lulat (New York: Praeger, 1985), pp. 1-65. "Perspective on Comparative Higher Education; A Survey of Research and Literature," in Higher Education in International Perspective, ed. P. G. Altbach and D.H. Kelly (London: Mansell, 1985), 3-53. "The Distribution of Knowledge in the Third World: A Case Study in Neocolonialism," in Education and the Colonial Experience, ed. P. G. Altbach and G.P. Kelly (New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction, 1984), 229-52. "Student Activism in the 1970s and 1980s," in Student Activism, ed. P. G. Altbach (Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1981), 1-14. "The International Encyclopedia of Higher Education: An Assessment" in The International Encyclopedia of Higher Education, ed. P. G. Altbach and U. Teichler (Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Education, 1980), 1-145. "The Distorted Guru: The College Teacher in Bombay," in The Indian Academic Profession, ed. S. Chitnis and P. G. Altbach (New Delhi: Macmillan, 1979), 5-44. "Introduction: Notes on the Academic Profession," in Perspectives on the Academic Profession, ed. P. G. Altbach (New York: Praeger, 1977), 1-8. "Studying the Academic Profession: Comparative Perspectives," in Studies on Academics and Modesof Inquiry, ed. R. T. Blackburn (Ann Arbor, Mich.: Center for Higher Education, University of Michigan, 1978), 23-36. (With Gail Kelly), "Colonialism and Education: An Introduction," in Colonialism and Education, ed. P. G. Altbach and G. P. Kelly (New York: Longmans, 1977), 1-52. "Publishing in India," in Perspectives on Publishing, ed. P. G. Altbach and S.McVey (Lexington, Massachusetts: Heath-Lexington, 1976) pp. 141-156. "University Reform," in International Encyclopedia of Higher Education, ed. Asa Knowles (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1977), vol. 9, 4263-74. "The Champagne University in the Beer State: Notes on Wisconsin's Crisis," in Academic Transformation, ed. David Riesman and Verne Stadtman (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1973), 383-408. "Indian Higher Education," in Higher Education in Nine Countries, ed. Barbara Burn, P. G. Altbach, Clark Kerr, and James Perkins (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1970), 317-44. "India and the World University Crisis," in The Student Revolution, ed. P. G. Altbach (Bombay: Lalvani, 1970), 1-26. "Student Politics and Higher Education in India," in Turmoil and Transition, ed. P. G. Altbach (New York: Basic Books, 1968), 17-73. "El Futuro del Movimiento Estudiantil Norteamericano," in Estudiantes y Politica en las Americas, ed. O. Albornoz (Caracas: Instituto Societas, 1967), 141-54. EDITORIAL EXPERIENCE: Associate Editor, American Education Research Journal (AERA) 2008-2011. Editor, International Higher Education, 1995-current. Editor, The Review of Higher Education, 1996-2004. North American Executive Editor, International Journal of Educational Development, 1989-1994. Founder and Co-Editor, Educational Policy, 1986-2004. Associate editor, 2004-2013. Editor, Comparative Education Review, 1978-1988 North American Editor, Higher Education, 1974-1995. Series Editor, Pergamon Publishers Book Series on Comparative Education, 1985-1994 (series previously at Praeger Publishers, 1977-84) Series Editor, SUNY Press book series, "New Directions in Education," 1984-2003 Series Editor, RoutledgeFalmer Dissertation Book Series in Higher Education, 20002010 Series Editor, Global Perspectives on Higher Education, Sense/Brill Publishers, 2000-current. RESEARCH GRANTS (partial): Principal Investigator, Project on the differentiation of academic systems, Korber Foundation, Hamburg, Germany, 2016-2017. Principal Investigator, Support for International Higher Education, funded by the Carnegie Corporation of New York, 2010-2013, Principal Investigator, Institutional support grant for the Center for International Higher Education at mdý College, funded by the Ford Foundation, 2002-2008. Principal Investigator, Journal of Higher Education in Africa, funded by the Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, and the Carnegie Corporation of New York, 2003-2006. Principal Investigator, Research project on the future of higher education in Asia, funded by the Toyota Foundation, 2002-2003. Principal Investigator, The Academic Workplace in Comparative Perspective, funded by the Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation, 2000-2001. Principal Investigator, Private higher education in international Perspective, funded by the Ford Foundation, 1997-1998. Principal Investigator, Studies on Publishing in the Third World, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, 1992-2000. Co-Principal Investigator, Research Study on Higher Education Reform in India, funded by the World Bank, 1990-1992. Principal Investigator, Study on the Development of Scientific Personnel in Four New Industrialized Nations, funded by the National Science Foundation 1986-1988 Co-Principal Investigator, Higher Education Bibliography Project, funded by the Exxon Educational Foundation, 1981-1983 Principal Investigator, Comparative Education Bibliography Project, funded by the Exxon Educational Foundation, 1980-1981 OTHER : Regular contributor of articles to the Times Higher Education (UK). Japan Times, Christian Science Monitor, Times of India, Melinio (Mexico City), The Hindu (India), South China Morning Post (Hong Kong) and other newspapers. Book reviews have appeared in such publications as Harvard Educational Review, Higher Education Policy, American Political Science Review, Comparative Education Review, Journal of Higher Education, Higher Education, Review of Higher Education and other publications.     #56?ix 5 p q r | A B f   * + , - H _ ` q  ҹⲬ稤hpblhbR h0YCJ h0Y5CJ hah0YhF ha5hha0JhajhaUh z h0Y5h0YhFhFCJ h0YCJ hFCJ@56ixq r A B f $0d]0a$$a$$a$gdF$a$gdF   , - _ ` 3 4 7 8 { | ( $0d]0a$ 2 3 4 H 7 8 H { | H()H;<=DEFGH\}~-.0HxyHYZ9:HHHV?@hI)hpblh;WhOhh% h0Y>*hIG h0Y5 h0Y5CJhbRhFh0YhaJ()<=EF}~-.xyY$ X808d]0^8a$gdbR$ X80d]0a$gdI) $0d]0a$YZ9:V?@Nh$ 80d]0a$$ 80d]0a$$a$gdI) $`(^``(a$$ 808d]0^8a$gdI)$ 80d]0a$@HMNho!)?@BCDHZ[\abcv>?@H@C¾h3| h#9>*h#9 h\W~6h\W~h\W~>*hrh\W~h4 hM6hMchM>*hM hkO5 hI)5h -hh-`htIh[BhUs-hIhhih;%h5whI) hI)5CJ6!CDZ[bc?@!$ ) p@ P \!$]a$gdr$ X80Xd]0^Xa$gdtI$ X80d]0a$gdI)$ X80d]0a$$a$$ 80d]0a$ @tu  {aK$ X80d]0a$gd4$ X80Xd]0^Xa$gdI)$ X80d]0a$gdr%$ ) p@ P \!$X]^Xa$gdr!$ ) p@ P \!$]a$gd\W~%$ ) p@ P \!$X]^Xa$gd\W~CHkstu  >HH%H7Hij},HI 4HOz{ , - A H y >!H!!!!D"H"z"{"""ϿϻhJhn h#hI) hI)>*hI)hJLhr5hTh4 h3|>* hr>*hr h#9h#9h3|h#9Jij z{, - !!z"{"###$ X80Xd]0^Xa$gds$ X80d]0a$$ X80Xd]0^Xa$"##8#H#h####$H$$$$$$)%*%C%H%]%%%%%%&&&<&=&>&H&Q&&&&&&&-'4'H'K'L'M'N'c'j''''''''H(M(ƾιβήh~ Z hIhhIh hIh>*hIh h|gh|g h|g>*h|g h h# h#6hFhF>*hFh#>*h# hh# h;Wh;W h;W>*h;W h~ Z5 hI)5h j hI)>*hI)8##$$)%*%%%%%=&>&&&L'M'''$ X80d]0a$gd#$ X80Xd]0^Xa$gdWtgd#X^Xgd#$ X80Xd]0^Xa$gds$ X80d]0a$'''((8)9)))h*i***c+}q $X^Xa$gd$a$gdlC!%$ ) p@ P \!$X]^Xa$gdlC! 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