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RELEVANT EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: 7/14 Present Professor, mdý College, Lynch School of Education 12/13 7/14 Senior Associate, National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment 12/11 11/13 Senior Vice President of Strategic Development, Measured Progress 9/10- 12/11 Vice President of Innovation, Measured Progress | Nimble Innovation Lab 9/05 9/10 President, Nimble Assessment Systems, Inc. 3/05 8/10 Associate Professor, mdý College, Lynch School of Education 9/02 3/05 Assistant Professor, mdý College, Lynch School of Education 7/99 Present Senior Research Associate, mdý College, Center for the Study of Testing, Evaluation, and Educational Policy (currently on leave) 9/94 7/99 Research Associate, mdý College, Center for the Study of Testing, Evaluation, and Educational Policy RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT: 2020-Present Anti-Racist Critical Methods Curriculum Design Project Collaborate with experts across the nation to design a graduate-level curriculum to support the development of students who engage in anti-racist critical methods to conduct social science and educational research. 2020-Present Co-Principal Investigator, Impact of Ed-Connect on Educational Advancement and Racial Equity Collaborate with technology, educational, and community partners in Chattanooga, TN to examine the impacts a household high-speed internet and technology support program has on student engagement and academic learning and household health, wellness, and economic advancement. 2019-Present Principal Investigator, Intersectional Differential Item Function Project Explores the application of an intersectional lens to the examination of potential bias in test items and the advancements of methods to support intersectional DIF analyses. 2019-Present Project Director, Understanding Racism Instrument Development Project Collaborate with nationally recognized experts on racism, anti-racist education, and measurement of racist attitudes and biases, this project focuses on the development of a scenario-based instrument designed to locate people with respect to their current understanding of racism. 2018-2020 Project Director, Examining Deficit Narratives in Quantitative Research Conducted a review of quantitative research published over a ten-year period to examine the ways in and degrees to which anti-Black deficit and anti-racist narratives are communicate through the presentation and discussion of research findings. 2017-2020 Project Director, Exploring Implications of an Anti-Racist Frame for Quantitative Educational Research Examining the literature on anti-racist and white framing and QuantCrit to explore the potential implications of an anti-racist frame on research questions, instrument design, construct definition, and interpretation of analyses. 2018-2020 Project Director, MCAS Content Alignment Study Designed and conducted a content alignment study for the 2017 MCAS Grade 3-8 Mathematics and English Language Arts tests. Also conducted an analysis of the utility of technology-enhanced items. 2016-2018 Project Director, 21st-Century Skills Assessment International Case Study Project Designed and conducted a review of current approaches to assessing 21st-Century Skills in the US and conducted a case study of practices in North Carolina. Worked with colleagues in eight nations to compare practices and approaches across nations. 2014-2016 Co-Principal Investigator, Video ReView Project Directed an NSF funded research study on the impact a video-based professional development intervention had on educators reflections on their instructional practices and the resulting effects on student learning. 2012-2014 Consultant, Partnership for Assessment Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) Test Development Project Provided technical advice and support for the design and development of the PARCC assessment system. Support included technical consultation of the implementation of the APIP Standard, design of accessible items, integration with test delivery platforms, test blueprint design, and development of request for proposals. 2010-2012 Project Director, SBAC Accessibility and Technology-Enhanced Item Guideline Development Worked with the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium and Educational Testing Service to develop guidelines for development of accessible item content and innovative item types. 2008-2011 Co-Principal Investigator, Accessible Portable Item Profile Project Collaborated with the IMS Global Learning Consortium and a collaborative of state assessment programs to develop an interoperability standard for assessment content and test delivery platforms that enabled accessibility information and supports to be embedded in digital item content files and interpreted by test delivery platforms to tailor the presentation of item content. 2007-2010 Principal Investigator, Nimble Assessment System SBIR Development Project Directed the development of a universally designed test delivery platform that tailored the accessibility supports and methods to delivery test content and item responses. 2001-2010 Director, Technology and Assessment Study Collaborative (inTASC). Oversee studies conducted by a team of 10-18 researchers and graduate students that focus on assessment and technology. Studies range from examining impacts of instructional uses of technology to applications of computer-based technologies to the technology of testing. (2/01 Present) 2005-2010 Project Director, e-Learning for Educators Direct a 5 year effort to examine the effectiveness of on-line professional development programs developed by 9 partner states. This work is supported by a $4.5 million, five year sub-contract from Alabama Public Television which is supported by a US Department of Education Ready to Teach grant. 2005-2007 Principal Investigator, Computer-based Testing and Gap Students Study Developed a new approach to computer-based testing that probes student performance within a Grade Level Expectation by presenting items that focus on discrete aspects of complex tasks. This work is supported by a $200,000 sub-contract from the New England Compact. 2004-2006 Project Director and Co-Principal Investigator, Developing Diagnostic Algebra Tests Direct a 3 year effort to develop adaptive diagnostic algebra tests to be used to inform classroom assessment and to advance the current state of the art of state testing programs. This work is supported by a $1 million, three grant from the Institute of Education Sciences. 2003-2006 Principal Investigator, Optimizing On-Line Professional Development Study. Collaborate with EDC to direct research activities conducted by inTASC for a 3-year, $1.8 million study funded by NSF to conduct a series of randomized experiments designed to optimize the effect of on-line professional development on teacher knowledge and practices. 200320-04 Principal Investigator, Computer-based Test Delivery and Accommodation Studies. Direct an 18-month, $400,000 series of studies conducted for the New England Compact to examine mode of administration effects and validity of accommodations provided via computer-based tests for state testing programs. 2001-2004 Principal Investigator, Use, Support, and Effect of Instructional Technology (USEIT) Study. Direct a three year $1.7 million US DoE funded study conducted across twenty-four districts to examine the relationships among district support of technology, classroom use of technology and impacts on student learning. Patents: Pierce, Z., Hoffmann, T. & Russell, M. (2014). Translation and transcription content conversion. US Patent #8954456B1. Hoffmann, T. & Russell, M. (2012). Integrated interoperable tools system and method for test delivery. US Patent #8303309B2. Books: Russell, M., & Kavanaugh, M. (2011). Assessing Students in the Margins: Challenges, Strategies and Techniques. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. Russell, M. & Airasian, P. W. (2011). Classroom Assessment: Concepts and Applications, 7th Edition. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Madaus, G., Russell, M., & Higgins, J. (2009). The Paradoxes of High-Stakes Testing: How They Affect Students, Their Parents, Teachers, Principals, Schools, and Society. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. Airasian, P. W. & Russell, M. (2007). Classroom Assessment: Concepts and Applications, 6th Edition. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Russell, M. (2006). Technology and Assessment: The Tale of Two Perspectives. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing. Select Peer-Reviewed Articles: Russell, M. (in review). Does College Admissions Testing Operate as a Racist Project? Russell, M., Kaplan, L, & Szendey, O. (in review). An Intersectional Approach to Differential Item Functioning: It Matters Who Serves as the Reference Group. Russell, M., Szendey, O., & Zhushan, L. (in press). An Intersectional Approach to DIF: Comparing Outcomes across Methods. Russell, M. (2021). Clarifying the terminology of validity and the investigative stages of validation. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practices,  HYPERLINK "https://doi.org/10.1111/emip.12453" https://doi.org/10.1111/emip.12453. Russell, M., Kaplan, L, & Szendey, O. (2021). An Intersectional Approach to DIF: Do Initial Findings Hold Across Tests. Educational Assessment. Russell, M., Kaplan, L, & Szendey, O. (2021). An Intersectional Approach to Differential Item Functioning: Reflecting Configurations of Inequality. Practical Assessment Research and Evaluation. Russell, M. & Moncaleano, S. (2020). Examining the impact of a consensus approach to content alignment studies. Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation, 25(4). Russell, M. & Moncaleano, S. (2019). Examining the Use and Construct Fidelity of Technology-Enhanced Items Employed by K-12 Testing Programs. Educational Assessment. Russell, M., Ludlow, L., & ODwyer, L. (2019). Preparing the Next Generation of Educational Measurement and Research Specialists: A Call for an Integrated Scope and Sequence. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice. Moncaleano, S., & Russell, M. K. (2018).Technological Advances of Educational Testing: Reflections on a Century-Long Quest for Efficiency.Journal of Applied Testing Technology. Russell, M. (2016). A framework for examining the utility of technology-enhanced items. Journal of Applied Testing Technology, 17(1), 20-32. Masters, J., ODwyer, L.M., Dash, S., Russell, M. & Magidin de Kramer, R. (2012). The Effects of Online Teacher Professional Development on Fourth Grade Students Knowledge and Practices in English Language Arts. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 20(12), 21-46. Russell, M., Hoffmann, T., & Higgins, J. (2009). NimbleTools: A Universally Designed Test Delivery System. Teaching Exceptional Children. Russell, M., Higgins, J., & Hoffmann, T. (2009). Meeting the Needs of All Students: A Universal Design Approach to Computer-Based Testing. Innovate. Russell, M. Carey, R., Kleiman, G, & Venable, J. D. (2009). Face-To-Face and On-Line Professional Development for Mathematics Teachers: A Comparative Study. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 13(2), http://www.aln.org/node/1874. Russell, M., ODwyer, L, & Miranda, H. (2009). Diagnosing students misconceptions in algebra: results from an experimental pilot study. Behavior Research Methods, 41(2), 414-424. Russell, M., Douglas, J., Kleiman, G., & Carey, R. (2009). Comparing self-pace and cohort-based online courses for teachers. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 41(3), 361-384. Russell, M. & Famularo, L. (2008). Testing what students in the gap can do. Journal of Applied Testing Technology, 9(4). Russell M., ODwyer L. M., Bebell, D., & Tao, W. (2007) How Teachers Uses of Technology Vary by Tenure and Longevity. Journal of Educational Computing Research.37(4). Higgins, J., Russell, M., & Hoffmann, T. (2005). Examining the effect of computer-based passage presentation on reading test performance. Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment, 3(4). Available from http://www.jtla.org Bebell, D., Russell, M., & ODwyer, L.M. (2004). Measuring teachers technology uses: Why multiple-measures are more revealing. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 37(1), 45-63. Russell, M., Cowan, C., & Raczek, S. (2004). Accountability California style: Counting or accounting for educational impacts. Teachers College Record, 106(11). Russell, M. & Tao, W. (2004). The influence of computer-print on rater scores. Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation, 9(10). Russell, M. & Tao, W. (2004). Effects of handwriting and computer-print on composition scores: A follow-up to Powers et al. Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation, 9(1). Bebell, D., Russell, M., & ODwyer, L. (2004). Measuring teachers technology uses: Why multiple-measures are more revealing. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 37(1) 45-64. Russell, M., Goldberg, A. & OConnor, K. (2003). Computer-based testing and validity: A look back and into the future. Assessment in Education, 10(3) 279-293. Goldberg, A., Russell, M., & Cook, A. (2003). Effects of computers on student writing: A meta-analysis of research 1992-2002. Journal of Technology, Learning and Assessment, 2(1). Available: http://www.bc.edu/research/intasc/jtla/journal/v2n1.shtml. Russell, M. & Plati, T. (2002). Does it matter with which I write: Comparing performance on paper, computer and portable writing devices. Current Issues in Education [On-line], 5 (4). Available: http://cie.ed.asu.edu/volume5/number4/ Russell, M. (2002). Its Time to Upgrade: Tests and administration procedures for the new millennium. Essays in Education, 1(1). [Available online: http://www.columbiacollegesc.edu/essays/vol.%201%20spring%202002/time_to_upgrade_revised.pdf] Koretz, D., Russell, M., Shin, D., Horn, C., & Shasby, K. (2002). Testing and diversity in postsecondary education: The case of california. Educational Policy Analysis Archives, 10(1). Available: http://epaa.asu.edu/epaa/v10n1/. Russell, M. & Plati, T. (2001). Effects of computer versus paper administration of a state-mandated writing assessment. Teachers College Record. Available: http://www.tcrecord.org/Content.asp?ContentID=10709 Russell, M. (2000). Summarizing change in test scores part I: Shortcomings of three common methods. Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation, 7(5). Available: http://ericae.net/pare/getvn.asp?v=7&n=5 Russell, M. (2000). Summarizing change in test scores part II: Using expected growth size estimates to summarize test score changes. Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation, 7(6). Available: http://ericae.net/pare/getvn.asp?v=7&n=6 Russell, M. (1999). Testing writing on computers: A follow-up study comparing performance on computer and on paper. Educational Policy Analysis Archives, 7(20). Available: http://epaa.asu.edu/epaa/v7n20/ Russell, M. & Haney, W. (1997). Testing writing on computers: An experiment comparing student performance on tests conducted via computer and via paper-and-Pencil. Educational Policy Analysis Archives, 5(3). Available:  HYPERLINK "http://epaa.asu.edu/epaa/v5n3.html" http://epaa.asu.edu/epaa/v5n3.html Recent Monographs and Chapters: Russell, M., Braun, H., & Zhu, B. (2020). 21st century skills and learning: A case study of developments and practices in the United States. In I. Froumin & M. Dobryakova, Key Competencies and New Literacy: From Slogans to School Reality. Moscow, Russia: World Bank. Russell, M. (2020). Digital technologies: supporting and advancing assessment practices in the classroom. In J. McMillan (Ed.) Student Assessment for Educator, New York, NY: Routledge. Russell, M. (2018). Recent advances in the accessibility of digitally delivered educational assessments. In S.N. Elliott, R.J. Kettler, P.A. Beddow, & A. Kurz (Eds.) Handbook of Accessible Instruction and Assessment, Second Edition, Cham, Switerland: Springer Internatinoal Publishing. Russell, M. K. (2017).Assessment Technology as a Tool to Strengthen Teaching and Student Learning. In J.C. Cibulka and B.S. Cooper (Eds.),Technology in the Classroom: Can It Improve Teaching and Student Learning in America Schools?, New York, NY:Rowan and Littlefield. Russell, M. & Condelli, L. (2015). Developing Next-Generation Assessment for Adult Education: Test Administration and Delivery. A report commissioned by the National Reporting System for Adult Education, US Department of Education. Russell, M. (2014). Examining the Comparability of State Testing Programs: Criteria and Techniques. A paper contracted by the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers. Russell, M. (2011). Digital Test Delivery: Empowering Accessible Test Design to Increase Test Validity for All Students. A Monograph Commissioned by the Arbella Advisors. Russell, M., Mattson, D., Higgins, J., Hoffmann, T., Bebell, D., & Alcaya, C. (2011). A Primer to the Accessible Portable Item Profile (APIP) Standards, Minnesota Department of Education. Russell, M. (2011). Item Tagging Options for the SBAC Interoperable Assessment Systems. A Paper Commissioned by the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium. Russell, M. (2011). Computerized Tests Sensitive to Individual Needs. In S.N. Elliott, R.J. Kettler, P.A. Beddow, & A. Kurz, Handbook of Accessible Achievement Tests for All Students, Springer. Russell, M. (2011). Formative Assessment: A Key Component of Digital Learning Platforms. In J. Richards & C. Dede, Digital Teaching Platforms, Teachers College Press.      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