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Women on boards and innovation: Tokenism is not enough

RESEARCH BRIEF - Gender diversity on boards yields innovation results when the number of w...

Greenwashing dampens employee engagement in CSR activities

RESEARCH BRIEF - When company actions differ from stated values, employee engagement in CS...

Chief sustainability officers may help companies operate more responsibly

RESEARCH BRIEF - The presence of a chief sustainability officer (CSO) increases a firm's s...

Get in sync with executives on corporate citizenship

Executives and CSR professionals agree that corporate citizenship has value—but their prio...

New York State codifies amendment that limits nonprofit involvement in political campaigns

REGULATORY RADAR - New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has signed new legislation that incorpor...

Effective CSR communication: Which tactic when?

Communicating your CSR efforts effectively is critical in helping stakeholders understand ...

Creating lasting behavior changes comes at a cost—to the consumer

Companies working to create products that improve the living conditions of bottom of the p...

Corporate citizenship concerns and their influence on investment behavior

U.S. investors are laggards in supporting alternative energy—even in the wake of environ...

Risky business: Why good firms do bad things

Why do high performing, prominent companies engage in corporate illegality that jeopardize...

When bad things happen, the best and worst CSR performers make the most news

Through an analysis of news reports, this study examined the role of the media in determin...

Effectiveness of assertive calls to action rises with audience perception of issue importance

Researchers conducted multiple studies examining audience responses to calls to action on ...

Tracking billable hours lowers professionals’ willingness to volunteer

This study observes that requirements that professionals account for time worked affect wi...