Academic Policies

Academic Policies

If you have any policy related questions, please contact Karen Smith, Academic Services Specialist ( or Jennifer Bader, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (







Academic Integrity at mdý College

Academic integrity is taken quite seriously at mdý College and by the dean and faculty of the Clough School of Theology and Ministry, in particular. CSTM abides by the University policy on academic integrity to be found inthe University Graduate Catalog. The roles and responsibilities of students, faculty, and deans with regard to promoting academic integrity can also be found inthe University Graduate Catalog. CSTM students are strongly encouraged to become familiar with these policies and procedures, as they are held responsible for this knowledge. Students with questions regarding what constitutes a violation of mdý College’s Academic Integrity Policy, especially with regard to specific courses and assignments, are invited and encouraged to ask these questions of their professors and the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.

CSTM Academic Integrity Procedures and Tutorial

Each member of the Clough School of Theology and Ministry (CSTM) community is responsible for supporting a teaching and learning environment that cultivates the necessary habits of heart and mind that are rooted in the Gospel. Because each violation of academic integrity—whether intentional or unintentional—harms our common goal to create an academic culture of honesty, all violations are taken seriously at the CSTM. Faculty members are responsible for promoting academic integrity in their courses by including a clear statement in their syllabi of the school’s policy and by discussing this policy in class at the beginning of the semester. Faculty are also responsible for promptly reporting violations of academic integrity as they occur. Consistent with the expectations set forth at mdý College, CSTM students are personally responsible for upholding academic honesty in all aspects of their work and should hold their peers accountable when they suspect that a questionable act of academic dishonesty has taken place, either by directly addressing the violation as it is happening or by informing the appropriate individuals (a trusted faculty member or dean).

Violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to, plagiarism. Students are responsible for educating themselves about what constitutes plagiarism and the inappropriate use of sources in an academic context. Any reference to the ideas or insights of others, either in direct quotation or in paraphrase, should be given explicit and clear attribution; to fail to do so is intellectually dishonest. Other instances of academic dishonesty include:

  • Unauthorized collaboration on papers, presentations, assignments, and exams
  • Unauthorized use of materials and sources in assignments and examinations
  • Collusion with the intent to deceive
  • Knowingly allowing your work to be used by others in an academically dishonest way
  • Submitting the same work for two different courses
  • Misrepresenting work that has been purchased or written by someone else as your own
  • Lying in order to secure an extension on an assignment, to reschedule an exam, or to manipulate an outcome of a course requirement
  • Cheating or copying from another student
  • Fabricating stories or otherwise misrepresenting data in conversations related to training in counseling, CPE, and spiritual direction
  • Inappropriate use of confidential information and inappropriate use of privileged access to spaces or information

In order to cultivate an academic culture of honesty, faculty are asked to document all instances of academic dishonesty, even if the assignment itself is not graded or the violation did not result in a grading penalty. Violations of academic integrity are taken seriously because of the mission of the CSTM to prepare students for leadership in teaching and active ministry in the global Church where students will be expected to promote a culture of integrity after leaving the CSTM.

CSTM Review Process

Cases are reviewed by the Academic Integrity Committee (AIC), which is constituted by (usually four) members of the faculty, one student, and the associate dean for academic affairs (hereafter “academic dean”). The chair of the AIC is a faculty person appointed by the Dean of the CSTM. All cases are handled with strict confidentiality. When a faculty member determines that a student’s work violates the standards of academic integrity, that faculty member should discuss the violation with the student, ideally in person, or in writing. The violation should be described and documented in a letter and sent to the academic dean along with the following supporting documents:

  • Course syllabus with the instructions for the assignment highlighted
  • The student’s work
  • Evidence that a violation has taken place (e.g., copy of the original publication)

Along with the supporting documentation, the faculty person should clearly state if the violation will or will not incur a grade penalty, and, if so, what the faculty member thinks that penalty should be.

For instances where there is no grade penalty, either because the assignment itself is not graded or because it is a low-weighted assignment, faculty should submit the necessary documentation and a clear explanation for why no penalty was issued in a confidential sealed envelope addressed to the academic dean. The chair of the AIC and the academic dean will meet to determine whether or not a violation has taken place. For these instances where a violation does not incur a grading penalty, an individual meeting between the student and the academic dean may or may not be scheduled. The academic dean will issue a warning letter documenting the violation to the student and to the faculty member. All paperwork associated with the violation will be archived in the office of the academic dean in a confidential file until the student graduates, at which point it will be destroyed. Such instances are considered to be minor violations or warning violations.

If the faculty member decides that the violation is serious enough to warrant a grade penalty, the following procedure will be followed: The faculty person should meet with the student in person or explain the situation by email. This communication should discuss the nature of the academic integrity violation and also how to avoid such violations in the future. There should be a clear statement about the grade for the work without the violation and the additional penalty that is being imposed for the violation. The penalty for the academic integrity violation should take into account the severity of the violation, the complexity of the assignment, and the weight of the assignment. Grade penalties for students found guilty of academic integrity violations should also consider the degree of premeditation involved. If violations of academic integrity occur towards the end of the semester, faculty should issue the final course grade of “I” until the AIC review process has been completed. The faculty person should document, in a letter addressed to the AIC, the meeting with the student, and the grade and grade penalty for the assignment, and forward this letter and all supporting documentation to the academic dean in a confidential file.

Every violation that incurs a grade penalty will fall under full review by the AIC and the academic dean. Upon receiving a report of an academic integrity violation, the academic dean will notify the student of the allegation and set up a meeting with him or her. The student will receive the report of the academic integrity violation report that has been submitted by the faculty member and the grade penalty for the violation. The student will have the chance to respond to the faculty member’s report in an individual meeting with the academic dean, and also be invited to submit his or her response in writing, so that it can be reviewed by the AIC. While a case is pending, the student may not withdraw from the course or program or change status in a course. The academic dean will serve as a non-voting member of and administrative resource for the AIC, acting as a liaison between the student and the AIC and maintaining the committee's record of notifications and relevant materials. In cases involving students from more than one school or students enrolled in joint or dual degree programs, the academic dean will coordinate the relevant academic integrity committees to participate in the review process.

The academic dean will notify the faculty member who reported the violation and the student(s) that the case is under full review by the AIC. Members of the AIC are held to strict confidentiality and may not discuss any case that is under review, even with the student(s) involved. At its discretion, the AIC as a whole may interview any individual, including the student, with knowledge pertinent to the case.

The AIC will review all cases involving a grade penalty. First, the AIC will determine whether or not a violation of academic integrity has taken place by a simple majority vote. Then, the AIC will assess the reasonableness of the penalty that has been given by the faculty member and either approve or reject the grade penalty. The AIC always reserves the right to make its own recommendation for a grade penalty based on the confidential information that it has about the student’s previous record of violations. Because academic integrity is a serious matter at the CSTM, instances of multiple violations are handled severely and may even result in dismissal from the School. The AIC may recommend a different grading penalty and/or impose additional administrative penalties, such as university probation, suspension, or expulsion, all of which become part of a student’s academic record and will be reported to graduate/professional schools and outside agencies. The academic dean is responsible for communicating the decisions of the AIC in writing to both the student and the faculty member.

The academic dean is also responsible for tracking all violations of academic integrity. A complete file of each case will be kept in a confidential file in the academic dean’s office until the student leaves the school or graduates. Unless the penalties include an action which is by its nature public (see examples above), the case will not be reported to outside agencies or institutions.

Appeal of the committee’s decision may be made by written request to the Dean of the CSTM no later than ten days following notice of the committee’s decision. The Dean's decision will be final.

CSTM Academic Integrity Tutorial

This online tutorial, developed by CSTM faculty, students, and administrators (with assistance from offices across the University) reviews different instances where academic integrity is in question and introduces students to the academic culture at the CSTM. As well, the tutorial serves as an introduction to good research practices and resources in theology and ministry at the graduate level. The tutorial is required of all new CSTM degree and certificate students in their first semester or summer of study. Students who do not complete the tutorial by the deadline set each semester by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs will not be able to register for courses for the following term. Information regarding the administration of the tutorial will be given at new student orientation and by email from the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs.

BC Communication Policies and Student Responsibilities

The CSTM follows the policies set forthin the University Graduate Catalog.

Absences for Religious Reasons

The CSTM follows the policy set forthin the University Graduate Catalog.

Academic Advising

Students are free to form mentoring relationships with all CSTM faculty, including but not limited to their assigned advisors, and are encouraged to form these relationships particularly with those faculty working in the student’s area of academic or ministerial interest. CSTM faculty welcome the opportunity to mentor students.

All students are assigned a faculty advisor for the purpose of course selection upon entry into an CSTM degree program. Students are strongly encouraged to meet with their advisors once per semester to choose courses for the following semester. Consulting the advisor ensures that when it comes time for graduation the student will have fulfilled the requirements of his or her program. Conversely, students who do not consult advisors risk not having fulfilled their requirements and then needing to take extra courses in order to do so before they graduate. Please consult the for course selection information, advising resources, and tips an tools to make the most out of your advising session.

Faculty advisors are assigned based on the student’s degree program and an equitable distribution of advising among the faculty. Because advising is so important to the student’s academic success, students should feel comfortable with their faculty advisors. Students who wish to change their advisor may do so by contacting the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, requesting and giving the reason for the change, and identifying the faculty person whom the student wishes to have as his or her advisor moving forward. The Associate Dean will handle the matter in a way that is respectful to all parties.

Academic Grievances

I. Preamble
The Academic Grievance Policy of the Clough School of Theology and Ministry provides a procedure for the constructive and timely resolution of serious academic grievances of students against faculty members. An academic grievance is defined as a complaint by a currently enrolled graduate student against a member of the faculty related to a serious academic matter that has had an adverse effect on the student’s learning or ability to perform to the best of his/her ability.

Ordinarily, questions related to a course grade are not considered cause for setting in motion an academic grievance, unless the disputed grade is judged to be evidence of a broader issue or concern related to instruction, communication, access, availability, accountability and/or fairness on the part of the professor. If a student's only issue is the grade itself, the matter should be addressed directly with the professor either in person or in writing. It is the professor's prerogative to alter or uphold the grade. In this case, the decision of the professor is final. If a student wishes to dispute a grade based on one of the alleged broader issues named above, a student may use the Academic Grievance Process to do this. The decision-makers in the Academic Grievance Process will consider only how the broader issues affected the student’s grade; they will not abrogate the professor’s prerogative to evaluate the academic quality of the student’s work.

Resolution of grievances should involve all parties working cooperatively and respectfully to obtain resolutions acceptable toa ll parties involved. The grievance process first strives for mediated outcomes and only moves to directed outcomes whens such efforts at mediation fail. All parties should seek resolutions at the lowest possible administrative level. The grievance should be initiated no later than the end of the sixth week of the semester immediately following the one in which the action giving rise to the complaint occurred - for example, a grievance arising from spring semester must be initiated before the end of the fall semester.

Any student who believes he or she has a grievance should communicate with the faculty member(s) immediately involved as soon as possible after the action being grieved, but by no later than the close of the fall or spring semester immediately following the term in which the action giving rise to the complaint occurred. If communication results in a mutually acceptable solution, the matter shall be considered closed. If either party wishes to have a written statement of the outcome, the parties shall put the solution in writing, sign it, and each retain a copy.

If, however, a resolution acceptable to all parties is not achieved, the student may present the matter in writing in a timely manner - ordinarily, "a timely manner" suggests no more than ten business days; in this case, that means ten business days from the date of the unsuccessful effort to chieve a negotiated resolution - to the chairperson of the department in which the faculty member(s) resides administratively. The written statement must clearly specify: (a) the nature of the complaint and (b) the remedy requested. The chairperson should proceed in the following manner. If the chairperson is a party to the grievance, the Associate Dean for Academic Affiars shall act in his/her stead:

A) After consultation with both the student and the faculty member(s) affected, the chairperson should proceed in a timely manner either to mediate the matter personally or assign it for mediation to one or more members of the department.

B) The chairperson or designated faculty mediator(s) shall then meet formally with the faculty member(s) involved and obtain a written answer to the grievance with a full explanation of the faculty member(s)’ position. After a full investigation, the chairperson or assigned mediator(s) should meet again with the faculty member(s) and student involved, either separately, or jointly, or both, in order to work out a settlement of the problem. If the chairperson or assigned mediator(s) succeeds in resolving the grievance, he/she shall put the agreement in writing, obtain the signatures of all parties to the document, and provide copies of the agreement to all parties involved in the process.

Should the chairperson or assigned mediator not obtain a resolution, the chairperson, after conducting such further proceedings as he/she may determine to be necessary or desirable in his/her sole discretion, shall prepare a written decision and provide a copy of it to the student and the faculty member(s) involved.

A student grievant may appeal a decision of the department chairperson to the Dean. The appeal must be made in writing within ten business days of the decision of the department chairperson and must specify clearly: (a) the nature of the grievance; (b) the remedy sought; and (c) the reason or reasons why the proposed resolution emanating from step (III) above is not acceptable. Upon receiving the written appeal, the Dean or the Dean’s designees must meet with the chairperson, faculty member(s) and student involved, separately or jointly, to seek a timely solution to the issues. If such procedures produce a resolution acceptable to all parties involved, it shall be put in writing and copies given to all of the parties.

If no resolution acceptable to all parties is achieved, the Dean or the Dean’s designees shall expeditiously gather all written statements and evidence accumulated up to that point and conduct such review or such further proceedings, including hearings, as the Dean or the Dean’s designees may determine in their sole discretion to be reasonably necessary to reaching an ultimate disposition of the issue(s). In the event of a hearing, the faculty member(s) and student shall each be entitled to bring, for consultative purposes only, an advisor from the Clough School of Theology and Ministry or the wider mdý College community. If the above process achieves a resolution acceptable to all parties, the Dean or the Dean’s designee(s) must put the agreement in writing, obtain the signatures of all parties to the document, and provide copies of the agreement to all of the parties.

If the Dean or the Dean’s designee(s) does not achieve a resolution acceptable to all parties, the Dean shall in ten working days convey his/her decision and report (or the report of his/her designee(s) as applicable) to the chairperson and the parties involved. The Dean’s decision shall be final.


University Policy
Students are responsible for being familiar with and following the attendance policyin the University Graduate Catalog. In addition, each instructor has the right to specify their own, more stringent attendance policy for a course, provided it is clearly defined in the syllabus.

CSTM Policy
In order to complete and achieve successfully the objectives of a CSTM course, students must attend the course meetings in order to engage the professor and fellow students in the teaching and learning dynamic. Unless other arrangements are made with the instructor, a student must withdraw from a course in which he or she has been absentfor any reasonfor 25% or more of class meeting time. If a student with 25% or greater absence rate does not withdraw from the course, the student will be given a failing grade for the course.


Students enrolled in CSTM degree and certificate programs may audit courses and will be charged half the per-credit tuition rate. Students will not receive financial aid/tuition remission for audited courses and audited courses will not count toward degree programs (but may be counted toward certificate programs).

Students not enrolled in CSTM degree or certificate programs can apply through the Admissions Office to audit CSTM courses for half of the credit rate per course.

The CSTM has a reduced audit rate for Ministers-in-the-Vicinity. Please contact the Admissions Office for more information. The rate is limited.

Students cannot register to audit courses through their Agora accounts. Students should contact the CSTM Service Center or the Assistant Director for Financial Aid and Academic Services in order to register to audit a course.

For summer courses, students wishing to switch from credit to audit status must do so within one week of the start of the course.

Bias-Related Incidents: Reporting

As a graduate and professional school of mdý College, the Clough School of Theology and Ministry rejects and condemns all forms of harassment, wrongful discrimination and disrespect that occurs on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, disability, age, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, military status, or other legally protected status. In order to foster an open and respectful educational environment, the CSTM is committed to responding to any incident that impedes a student’s ability to learn, coexist peacefully, express ideas, or which impedes any other right listed in the. This includes bias-related incidents that may occur between faculty or staff and students or between students themselves.

Students at the CSTM are encouraged to report bias-related incidents to Dr. Jennifer Bader, Associate Dean, Academic Affairs or Jacqueline Regan, Associate Dean, Student Affairs and Career Services. Students should also familiarize themselves with mdý College’s Hate Crimes and Bias-Related Incident Protocol for information on the different kinds of incidents, the process for reporting them, and the University’s responses to them. Students may also report bias-related incidents directly to the Office of Institutional Diversity using the or through any of the other support resources at mdý College, such as University Counseling Services or the Office of Dean of Students. Students should also be aware that each member of the faculty and staff may have reporting obligations under our sexual misconduct policy.

For more information concerning the University’s policies surrounding harassment and incidents of bias, refer to the mdý College Notice of Non-Discrimination or visit the Policies and Compliance section of the Office of Institutional Diversity website.

Childbirth and Adoption Accommodation Policy

mdý College recognizes the importance of family obligations to its graduate students. Any full-time graduate student in good academic standing who is the parent of a newborn child or an adoptive child under the age of 13 newly placed in the home is eligible for an accommodation. This student accommodation is not an employee medical leave or a leave of absence from the academic program.

Following the birth of a child, a graduate student who is the parent of the child is eligible for an accommodation extending for a period of up to twelve consecutive weeks. A graduate student who is the parent of an adoptive child under the age of 13 newly placed in the home is eligible for an accommodation extending for a period of up to twelve consecutive weeks immediately following the placement of the child in the home. The accommodation must be taken within the 12-month period following birth or placement of the child.

During the accommodation period, the graduate student will be relieved of the service requirements that accompany his or her funding. During the remainder of the semester (before and/or after the accommodation period), the student's program will assign service duties consistent with the academic nature of a graduate assistantship.

During the accommodation period, the graduate student may attend classes and work on course assignments to the extent possible. The student and graduate program director should work with the professors in these courses to adjust, to the extent reasonably possible, the attendance requirements, assignment deadlines, and exam dates during the accommodation period. Graduate program directors and professors should work with graduate students to establish appropriate timetables for completing course work and exams during the semester in which the accommodation is taken.

Funding provided by the University, including funding for health insurance, will continue during the accommodation period. In addition:

  • The accommodation policy will not extend the total number of years of funding available to a student.
  • Students who receive an accommodation under this policy will receive automatically a one semester extension to their maximum time to complete their degree for every childbirth or adoption placement. Total extensions invoked under this policy will ordinarily not exceed a year.
  • For students with 9-month stipends, funding is for the academic year only.

Students funded by government grants or other external sources must follow the policies of their funding agency. If external funding is suspended or reduced during the accommodation period, the university will assume funding responsibility for the accommodation period. Details of the arrangement should be worked out in writing between the student, graduate program director and the Associate Deans for Graduate Academic Affairs, and reported to the Vice Provost for Faculties before the accommodation period begins.

Graduate students anticipating a childbirth or adoption accommodation must notify their advisor and submit a written request to their graduate program director and the Associate Dean. The Associate Dean will inform the Vice Provost for Faculties of all such requests. Requests for accommodation should be made as soon as practicable and ideally no less than three months before the expected start of the accommodation period in order to allow appropriate arrangements to be made to cover any teaching, teaching assistantship, or research responsibilities. Departments are encouraged to work out specific arrangements with students, on a case-by-case basis, within the broad framework of this policy.

Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE)

CPE can be used in the M.A.T.M. (48-credit program only), M.Div., and Th.M. programs in place of supervised ministry or can be used as elective credits in the M.Div. and 48-credit M.A.T.M. programs. CPE cannot count as elective credits in the Th.M. program.

One CPE unit transfers into mdý College CSTM as 5 credits. M.Div. and Th.M. students taking CPE in place of supervised ministry will also be required to complete the 1-credit CPE Reflection Experience course for a total of 6 credits. M.Div. students taking CPE for elective credits are invited but not required to participate in the 1-credit CPE Reflection Experience and could take an additional 1-credit module instead.

M.A.T.M. students taking CPE for elective credit will need to take a 1-credit module or course to ensure they have enough credits to graduate.

The CSTM will cover expenses related to one unit of CPE at the student's usual tuition remission rate up to $1,000, as long as it is approved by the student's advisor as counting toward the student's degree program.

Course Load

M.Div. students may not enroll for more than fifteen (15) credits in any one semester. The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs will monitor compliance with this policy. Exceptions are given for M.Div. students wishing to register for a 1-credit module. Students should discuss the rationale for this choice and timing with their academic advisor prior to registering for the module.

For summer course loads, please see the policy on: Summer Courses

Course Numbering

CSTM course numbers reveal two things about the course: the subject area and the level. The following is a key to CSTM Course Numbering:

TMCE: Christian Ethics
TMHC: History of Christianity
TMNT: New Testament
TMOT: Old Testament
TMPS: Pastoral Studies
TMPT: Practical Theology
TMRE: Religious Education
TMST: Systematic Theology
TMTM: Courses that do not fit into a particular area listed above, (e.g., cross-listed courses and languages)

All courses offered at the BC CSTM are rigorous, graduate courses appropriate for students in graduate degree programs. They presuppose graduate level academic scholarly work. Students wishing to take a course, but having questions about whether the course will be taught at an appropriate level for their needs should contact the instructor of the course directly.

NP = No Prerequisites Required (course numbers 7000-7999)
This course is appropriate for students taking their first graduate course in a theological (sub) discipline or with topics or sources that are new to the students. No Prerequisites are required.

P = Prerequisites Required (course numbers 8000-8499)
This course is appropriate for students seeking further study in a theological (sub) discipline or with theological topics or sources. The course has prerequisites, either in terms of general background (e.g., “a year of graduate studies in theology”) and/or course work (e.g., “one course in Christology” or “fundamental moral theology”). The prerequisites are indicated by the professor.

D = Doctoral Seminar (course numbers 8500 and above)
This course is a doctoral level seminar. It may also be appropriate for STL and ThM students. Other advanced graduate students may apply. Department permission required.


In consultation with their faculty advisors, CSTM students may cross-register into courses at other universities and schools of theology through the following consortia: the mdý Theological Institute, the Consortium, and the Graduate Consortium in Women’s Studies. More information is availablein the University Policies and Procedures Graduate Catalog. Students can register for courses at BTI institutions by visiting the BTI website:.Note that 50% of coursework required for a mdý College degree must be taken at mdý College and that 50% of coursework for an ecclesiastical degree (S.T.B., S.T.L., S.T.D.) must be taken with the Ecclesiastical Faculty of the CSTM.

Degree Switch

A student seeking to change degree programs should consult with their academic advisor and the degree program directors, if appropriate, and then make an appointment to discuss the matter with the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Please download and follow the steps as indicated on the .

Directed Readings and Research

Directed readings and research may be pursued on a specialized topic not currently covered in the course offerings in the same year, depending on the availability of faculty to work with a student. Ordinarily only one such project may be undertaken in the course of a master’s program. Subject matter and requirements must be worked out with the professor. The agreement must be put in writing on a,obtainable online or through the CSTM Service Center, signed by both the student and faculty member, and approved by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.

Doctoral Candidacy and Continuation

The CSTM follows the policy set forthin the University Graduate Catalog.

To register for doctoral continuation, Ph.D. students register for TMST991101 and S.T.D. students register for TMST852801.

Doctoral Dissertation Submission

Please review the CSTM Ph.D. Handbook for instructions on formatting and submitting your dissertation. Additional information on how to submit your dissertation is available at the Electronic Theses and Dissertations web page.

Submitting your Ph.D. Dissertation

Ph.D. students should consult the office or the website of the Graduate School of the Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences for further instructions on how to submit their dissertation and for policies related to Open Access and embargoes..

Submitting your S.T.D. Dissertation

A template for formatting your dissertation can be found on the webpage of the TML website. Please follow the guidelines within that template to format your dissertation, including the title page, copyright page, abstract, table of contents, and bibliography. Additional information can be found in the S.T.D. Handbook. For instructions on how to submit your dissertation to the BC Libraries, please visit this webpage: .

Open Access Policy for STD Dissertations

Upon submission of a completed STD dissertation in the Clough School of Theology and Ministry, a student may request an embargo for not more than two years without special permission. To request an extension beyond two years, but for no more than five years, a student must submit a written rationale to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Requests for more than five years will be granted only for extraordinary reasons.

Enrollment Status

The CSTM follows the policies set forthin the University Graduate Catalog.

Graduate full-time enrollment is as follows:

  • Clough School of Theology and Ministry– 9 or more credits
  • All students are considered half-time with 6 credits.
  • Students completing degree requirements in their final semester may be given exceptions to the school's minimum credit standard for full-time status by their academic dean.
  • The credit amounts listed above are used to determine a student's enrollment status for loan deferments, immunizations, medical insurance requirements, and verifications requestd by other organizations.
  • Graduate students in the CSTM are full time if enrolled in TMST8053, TMST8054, TMST8101,TMST8526, TMST8528, TMST8529, TMST8530, TMST8543, TMST8546, TMST9901, or TMST9911. MTS students can enroll in TMST8053 (MTS Thesis) in the last semester and should be considered full-time. Doctoral students are considered full-time if they are Graduate Assistants for academic departments, Teaching Fellows, or Research Assistants.

Final Examinations

The CSTM follows the policies set forthin the University Graduate Catalog.

Foreign Language Requirement

Students should consult individual degree program handbooks/prospectuses for program-specific requirements.

See also: Pass/Fail Policy for Language Courses offered through the CSTM

Good Standing

A student in one or more of the following situations is considered under academic review:

1. the student’s cumulative grade point average (GPA) falls below 3.0;

2. the student receives a grade of “incomplete” for one-half or more of the courses taken in a single semester;

3. the student has any incompletes that are not resolved by the end of the semester following the one in which the incomplete was obtained; and/or

4. the student has two or more grades that are below what is considered “Passing” for his or her degree program.

If a student is under academic review, the student will be notified in writing by the associate dean for academic affairs. The student will have until the end of semester in which she or he receives this notice in writing to bring his/her GPA up to 3.0, to complete all incompletes, and/or to develop a plan to make up the work not passed. If a student does not do these things, the student loses good academic standing. The associate dean will engage the student’s faculty advisor, the relevant department chair, and the associate dean for student affairs in an Academic Review Board, which will discuss whether and under what conditions the student may continue in his or her degree or certificate program. The associate dean for academic affairs will also notify the associate dean for enrollment management of the names of all students who have lost good academic standing. As a result of these conversations, the student may be prevented from enrolling in further coursework, lose his or her financial aid, be dismissed from the University, or be given further conditions to meet in order to remain enrolled in the CSTM. The associate dean for academic affairs will communicate this information to the student in writing as soon as possible after the meeting.


The Grades in the CSTM reflect the Academic Policies of mdý College for Graduate Courses as outlined in the University Graduate Catalog. In addition, the CSTM faculty has adopted the following grading guidelines:

The CSTM’s policy is articulated in relation to individual assignments; the principles, however, apply to the overall grade for a course.

A (4.0) (94-100)

This is the highest grade awarded for individual assignments, and for a course as a whole. “A” indicates that a student’s work not only meets, but exceeds the requirements specified for an assignment, and does so in an exemplary manner. As such it should be rare and granted for exemplary work. The outstanding quality of the work includes, but is not limited to, evidence of breadth and depth in reading, insightful engagement with primary and secondary sources, and a well-constructed argument that is creative in its analysis and, where appropriate, underscores the pastoral implications of a topic. To receive an “A,” the assignment would be written in a way that is concise and compelling, while also conforming to accepted academic methodologies for the citation of sources.

A- (3.67) (90-93)

This grade indicates that the work significantly exceeds the standards for a “B.”The professor’s comments will identify the area/s in which the assignment significantly exceeds the standards, such as its argument, methodology, range of reading, or its structure/expression.

B+ (3.33) (87-89)

This grade indicates that the work exceeds the standards for a “B.” The professor’s comments will identify both what aspect/-s of the paper went beyond “B” and what would have enhanced the paper’s argument or presentation.

B (3.0) (84-86)

This grade indicates that the assignment satisfies requirements specified for the particular task and does so in a competent manner; as such, the work meets expectations at the graduate level. As such it should be seen as the standard grade for satisfactory completion. “B” confirms that an assignment demonstrates a sound understanding of relevant material, is constructed coherently, and communicates ideas in a clear and accessible manner, while also being properly attentive to the norms governing the citation of references. While the B grade recognizes competency in the area covered by the assignment, the grade also suggests that greater breadth or depth was possible in fulfilling the assignment; this implies, for example, the need for wider or deeper reading, a better sequencing of ideas, or greater attentiveness to written expression in order to enhance clarity.

B- (2.67) (80-83)

This grade indicates that the work approaches the standards for a “B,” but does not fulfill all the requirements of that grade. The professor’s comments will indicate whether the deficit resides in one particular aspect of the paper—ideas, methodology, works consulted, or its structure/expression—or whether more than one aspect of the paper fell below the standard for a higher grade.

C+ (2.33) (77-79)

This grade indicates that the work significantly fails to meet the standards for a B,” but is more than marginally acceptable. The professor’s comments will identify both what aspect/-s of the paper were insufficient and what would have enhanced the paper’s argument or presentation.

C (2.0) (74-76)

This grade applies to work that is no more than marginally acceptable at the graduate level. The grade makes clear that the work does not rise to the level of competency in the topic covered by the assignment; the deficits could be in any or all of the work’s ideas, research, methodology, or structure/expression. “C” indicates that satisfactory completion of the course will require significant improvement in the areas specified by the professor’s comments.

F (0.0)

An assignment that receives this grade is unsatisfactory in all of the areas that demonstrate competency for a graduate student. There are no other gradations between C and F. All work below C is unsatisfactory.

Grade Changes

The CSTM follows the policies set forthin the University Graduate Catalog.


For graduation policies and procedures, please see the online.

Walking in the CSTM Diploma Ceremony:Students who have completed all their requirements for their degrees on or before the Wednesday just prior to May graduation may participate in the CSTM diploma ceremony, even if they have not met the university deadlines for graduation (and, thus won't be actually receiving diplomas). Students who havenotcompleted their requirements by the Wednesday before graduation maynotparticipate in the CSTM diploma ceremony. Exceptions to this policy are rare and are granted solely at the discretion of the dean of the CSTM.


A student may, with adequate reason and at the discretion of the instructor, take an incomplete in a course. A must be initiated by the student and signed by the professor and the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. For approval to be granted, a date for completion must be agreed upon between the student and the professor. Except in extraordinary cases, all such "I" grades will automatically be changed to "F" according to the following University-dictated schedule:

Spring: August 1
Fall: March 1
Summer: October 1

See the CSTM Good Standing policy for the number of incompletes a student may take in a given semester or summer and remain in good academic standing.

Language Courses for Master's Students

With their advisor's approval, CSTM will cover up to 6-credits oflanguagecoursework (at the rate of the student's CSTMscholarship) for M.T.S., M.Div., and M.A. students if taken at mdý College. This would be in addition to the degree requirements (i.e. an M.T.S. student's financial aid would apply to the 48 credits of the M.T.S. degree in addition to 6 credits oflanguagecoursework). Students who wish to completelanguagecoursework within their degree credits are still welcome to do so. After receiving theiradvisor's approval, a student shouldemail the associate dean for graduate enrollment management and copy theiradvisor.

Leave of Absence and Re-admission

The CSTM follows the policies set forthin the University Graduate Catalog.

Students are not eligible for CSTM financial aid or funding while on leave. When they return to the CSTM, students continue to receive the tuition remission that they were granted upon entrance into their degree program. If a leave of absence begins after the add/drop period of the semester, any CSTM financial aid will be removed from the student's account (exception for medical leave indicated below) as CSTM scholarships can only be applied to courses that count toward a student's degree program.

For those taking a leave of absence for medical reasons, students should contact the assistant dean, graduate enrollment management to determine if there may be a possibility of additional tuition remission upon returning to the CSTM to up to the amount of tuition paid by the student for courses from which the student is withdrawing mid-semester. Decisions will be made upon the student's return and based on the availability of TR funds at that time. Students should be in touch with the assistant dean upon taking a medical leave and four weeks prior to their return from medical leave.

Students wishing to take courses at theological institutions outside of mdý College and the BTI while on leave of absence from mdý College are strongly advised to discuss this plan with their faculty advisor, the relevant department chair and the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs to make sure that the courses they are planning to take will transfer into and be counted toward their CSTM degree program. Please see theTransfer of Credit policyfor more information.

In some cases, the Associate Dean may require that the student work out a plan of study for the following semester or for the completion of the degree as a condition of re-admission after a leave of absence.

Online Courses

Students wishing to take online courses should note the following degree-specific policies:

  • MATM students doing the 48-credit option my take up to 4 courses online.
  • MATM students doing the36-credit option in hybrid mode may take up to 8 courses online toward their degrees (not including Contextual Education).
  • MATM students doing the 48-credit option in hybrid mode may take up to 11 courses online. .
  • MTS students may take up to two online courses toward their degree.
  • MDiv students may take up to three online courses toward their degree.
  • ThM and STL students may ordinarily not take online courses toward their degrees. By way of exception, the program director may grant permission to those students with a concentration in Spirituality Studies for 1 online course offered in conjunction with the Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies.
  • STD students may not take online courses toward their degree.
  • PhD students wanting to take a particular online course should consult their faculty advisors about whether and under what circumstances that course would be appropriate for their degree.

Pass/Fail Degree Limits and Student Election Policies

Pass/Fail courses come in two types: those that a professor designates as P/F and those a student elects to take P/F. Whenever a student elects to take a course P/F, the procedure is as follows.

Students may elect to take a graded course Pass/Fail. Degree limits on student-elected P/F courses are listed below. Requests must be made with the approval of the faculty member teaching the course, and the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. .

Student requests to designate a course P/F normally happen during the add/drop period. Requests made after the add/drop period must be submitted to the faculty instructor of the course by the dates listed below.

  • Fall Semester: November 1
  • Spring Semester: April 1
  • CSTM Summer Session: the deadlines for submission of P/F requests to the instructor of the course must be made according to the Summer Registration Calendar published by the University.

In order to receive a grade of Pass, a student must complete all assignments in the course, is subject to the same attendance policy as all other students in the course, and must earn a final grade in the course of C or above. A Pass will then be entered as the grade for the course instead of a letter grade.

  • M.A. students may elect to take 2 courses P/F beyond those designated as such.
  • M.Div. students may elect to take 3 courses P/F beyond those designated as such.
  • M.T.S. students may elect to take 2 courses P/F beyond those designated as such.
  • Th.M., S.T.L., and S.T.D. students may not elect to take any courses P/F.
  • Ph.D. students should consult the Dean’s Office of the Graduate School of the Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences.

Note: Some CSTM courses are designated as Pass/Fail by the faculty and do not fall under the degree limits stated above.

See also: Pass/Fail Policy for Language Courses offered through the CSTM

Pass/Fail Policy: Language Courses offered through the CSTM

All language courses offered through the CSTM are, by default, Pass/Fail. With the permission of the instructor, students have the option to take the course for a letter grade. Students should make this request via an email to the associate dean, academic affairs by the end of the add/drop period (please note that for summer courses, the add/drop period ends the second day of class).

Please note that language courses offered through any other department or school at mdý College do not fall under this policy; students are responsible for inquiring about the grading policies of those courses with the sponsoring department (e.g.Romance Languages & Literature department for FREN106501 Intensive Reading in French). If you don’t know whether a language course is offered by the CSTM or not, please contact the assistant director, financial aid and academic services.


TMST7081 Writing and Research for Theology and Ministry: International students with little or no background in writing graduate-level papers in the U.S. education system and/or students for whom English is a second language, the Admissions Committee may decide to recommend or require TMST7081 Writing and Research for Theology and Ministry as a condition of admission into a master’s or certificate program. TMST7081 is taken in addition to the credit hours required for the degree, and the cost is covered at the student’s tuition remission rate.

MDiv students who have not met the degree's prerequisite for philosophy studies should enroll in two 3-credit philosophy courses, ordinarily within their first year of studies. One of these 3-credit courses should be TMST7215 Philosophy for Theological Studies, offered at the CSTM. The other course should be chosen, in consultation with their academic advisor, from among a recommended selection of mdý College Philosophy courses.

Professional Ethics in Ministry Workshop

CSTM’s Professional Ethics in Ministry Workshop, required for all CSTM students, is intended for students as they begin their programs at CSTM. The workshop considers ministerial ethics in theological, pastoral, and legal perspectives and invites students into an ongoing, school-wide conversation and reflection on the nature of ministerial roles and the power dynamics and ethics that attend them. Students in ministerial degree programs with a field education requirement (Contextual Education or Supervised Ministry) must fulfill this requirement before they begin their placements. All other students must complete the requirement before they graduate. Information about when the Professional Ethics in Ministry Workshop is offered is distributed with admission materials. Students who have not fulfilled the requirement in their first year of study will be notified of the next available date to fulfill the requirement by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.

Re-admission After a Lapse in Enrollment

All students are required to keep their University status current. If a student does not do so, s/he must seek approval from the CSTM to be re-admitted to the degree program.

Each degree has a term limit—a number of years from the date of matriculation into the degree program by which a student must finish the degree. These term limits are the following:

M.A.: 5 years
M.T.S.: 4 years
M.Div.: 6 years
Th.M.: 2 years
S.T.L.: 4 years

If a student seeks readmission before the term limit expires, s/he must write the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs to request re-admittance before the start of the semester in which the student wishes to return. If granted, all courses taken towards the degree thus far will count toward the degree.

If a student seeks readmission after the term limit has expired, the student must reapply through the Office of Admissions. To begin this process, the student should email the Associate Dean for Enrollment Management. If the student is readmitted to the program, a decision will be made on a case-by-case basis by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs as to (1) which and how many courses already taken will count toward the degree; and (2) any changes in requirements for graduation with the degree. The decision to re-admit a student will be based on a consideration of the best interests of both the student and the University.

S.T.L. Thesis Submission Procedures

A template for formatting your thesis can be found on the webpage of the TML website. Please follow the guidelines within that template to format your thesis, including the title page, copyright page, abstract, table of contents, and bibliography. Additional Information can be found in the S.T.L. Handbook. For instructions on submitting your dissertation to the BC Libraries, please follow the guidelines as stated in the S.T.L. handbook.

Open Access Policy for S.T.L. Theses

Upon submission of a completed S.T.L. Thesis in the Clough School of Theology and Ministry, a student may request an embargo for not more than two years without special permission. To request an extension beyond two years, but for no more than five years, a student must submit a written rationale to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Requests for more than five years will be granted only for extraordinary reasons.

CSTM Style Guide

The CSTM faculty has unanimously adopted thefor all written assignments.

Summer Courses

M.A. students as well as students enrolled in Certificate studies may take summer courses at any time during their studies. Enrollment policies are as follows:

  • Students who have not completed a semester or summer at the CSTM may take up to two on- campus courses (6 credits) per summer, with a maximum of one course (3 credits) per summer session.
  • In subsequent summers, students who have and maintain a 3.5 GPA may take up to two on-campus courses (6 credits) per session. This is an intensive schedule and not recommended for all students. Students wanting to take more than one course a session should check with their advisors before registering.
  • For students who are primarily ‘summers only’, Spiritual Formation and Contextual Education may be taken in addition to the guidelines set above.

Ph.D. students should consult with their academic advisor before enrolling in summer courses.

M.Div. and M.T.S. students are eligible to take summer courses after at least one semester of study during the Academic Year*. Currently enrolled M.Div. and M.T.S. students may take up to two courses (6 credits) per summer, with a maximum of one course (3 credits) per summer session.With permission, M.Div. students may take a 1-credit module, in addition to one or two other summer courses in the same summer. Students should discuss the rationale for this choice and timing with their academic advisor prior to registering for the module.

For Th.M., S.T.L., S.T.D. students, permission of the program director is required before enrolling in summer courses.

*With permission of the program director, incoming biblical studies students have the option of beginning their language courses in the summer term prior to their first semester, not to exceed a total of 6 credits during that summer term.

For students in all CSTM degree programs, summer courses in languages are acceptable if they conform to the requirements of the degree program to which they are to be applied; the student should contact the relevant program director to determine such suitability before enrolling in a summer language course.

Summer Course Registration

All students must be registered for class before the class begins. Please note: all tuition and housing charges must be paid prior to the first class. Students who have not paid their tuition and housing charges will not be admitted to class until the charges are paid. Persons with questions about this policy should contact the CSTM's associate dean for academic affairs.

Supervised Ministry: Criteria for Enrollment

Upon beginning their ministerial studies at the CSTM, students are responsible for knowing and following the guidelines for their respective degree programs regarding supervised ministry requirements. Cultivating a positive working relationship with the appropriate faculty director of supervised ministry is essential to the dynamic and inter-related processes of conscientious self-assessment, enrollment in the supervised ministry course, the appropriate selection of sites and supervisors, the development and implementation of learning goals and objectives, and rigorous, constructive and formative evaluations.

Mindful of the fact that students admitted to ministerial degree programs at the CSTM are expected to manifest the faith and religious commitment, the personal responsibility, the emotional maturity, the capacity for collaboration and perspective-taking, and the resiliency, resourcefulness and integrity that a program of preparation for professional ministry presupposes, the faculty members and administrators of the CSTM take extremely seriously their collective institutional responsibility for guaranteeing that these expectations, among others, are met and verifiedbeforeany student’s enrollment in a supervised ministry course is approved. Associated with such responsibility is ongoing accountability to those supervised ministry sites and supervisors with whom the CSTM works in partnership.

In the light of such responsibility, when a faculty co-director of supervised ministry and/or the associate dean for academic affairs is provided with substantive evidence indicative of a student’s lack of readiness or suitability for undertaking supervised ministryin generalor a specialized supervised ministryin particular, it is the responsibility of the co-directors for supervised ministry and the associate dean for academic affairs to delay or deny enrollment in the supervised ministry course. In obtaining and evaluating such evidence, the faculty co-directors and the associate dean may consult with other mdý College personnel, who may reveal relevant information as permitted by law. In addition, the appropriate faculty co-director and/or the associate dean are responsible for providing the student with adequate feedback regarding the reasons for the decision as well as support and guidance regarding subsequent steps. Such advice may include referring the student to appropriate avenues of personal and professional development, inviting the student to apply for supervised ministry at a future time, encouraging the student to consider a change of degree program, or recommending (or in some cases mandating) a leave of absence or withdrawal from the CSTM.

Syllabi: CSTM Policies and Student Information

While students should be familiar with all of the CSTM academic policies and procedures, and where to find them, faculty are asked to highlight the following information on every syllabus, usually by providing a link to the document.

  • Academic integrity
  • Bias-neutral and inclusive language
  • Grading Policy
  • Recording Class Sessions in Online Synchronous Courses
  • Students with disabilities
  • Writing Companions Corner (WCC) for writing assistance

Taping of Lectures and Presentations

Except in cases where a student has a documented disability that requires an accommodation, presentations and lectures given by faculty, students, or others in the classroom cannot be recorded or distributed for any purpose (including use by enrolled students) without the presenter’s permission. If a class is being recorded, the instructor must inform the class that the class is being recorded (without breaking the confidentiality of a student with a disability).

Students who wish to record a lecture or presentation must ask for and receive the permission of the presenter prior to recording. Recording of lectures of class presentations made with the presenter’s advance consent is authorized solely for the purposes of individual or group study with students enrolled in the same class unless the instructor has explicit written consent for other uses. The recording may not be reproduced or distributed in any manner, including the Internet, without the instructor’s explicit prior written consent.

Time to Degree Completion and Extensions

Each degree has its own time limit for graduation from the date of matriculation into the degree program.

M.A.: 5 years
M.T.S.: 4 years
M.Div.: 6 years
Th.M.: 2 years
S.T.L.: 4 years
S.T.D.: 5 years, with one year extension possible

Students must petition the CSTM for an extension if they will not complete the degree in the time frame indicated above. Normally, only one extension will be granted per student. Students should send a letter by U.S. mail or email to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, detailing (1) the reason the extension is needed and (2) giving a completion date for the degree. The Associate Dean will circulate the petition for extension to the student’s faculty advisor and program directorfor approval before making a final decision on an extension. The Associate Dean will notify the student as to whether the petition has been approved and the student’s new graduation term.

Transcripts and Transcript/Diploma Holds

The CSTM follows the policies set forth.

Transfer of Credit

Students may apply coursework taken at another regionally accredited or ATS-accredited university or school of theology towards their degree programs at the Clough School, subject to the following criteria:

  • credits cannot have been used toward any prior degree program;
  • only graduate level coursework in which the student earned a grade of "B" or better, will be considered;
  • credits may be no more than five years old at the time of the student's graduation from said institution; with exception: credits transferred into the M.Div. program may be no more than 6 years old at the time of the transfer of credit request;
  • coursework must be relevant to the student's CSTM degree program.

Degree Specific Limitations:

  • Students in the M.A., M.T.S., STL, STD, and Ph.D. programs may transfer a total of six (6) graduate credits
  • M.Div. students, including Jesuit scholastics transferring courses from First Studies, may transfer up to 18 credits toward their degree program.

Procedure - Student Responsibilities

  1. Gather the syllabi for courses you wish to transfer into your CSTM program.
  2. Complete the non-signature sections of the .
  3. Meet with your advisor to discuss how these courses fit within your program of study.
  4. Obtain Advisor’s signature.
  5. Deliver your syllabi and the Transfer of Credit form, signed by your advisor, to the Academic Services Specialist, who will determine if a transcript is on file or if a new transcript must be requested.

Procedure - Associate Dean, Academic Affairs Office Responsibilities

  1. Academic Services Specialists will attach the transcript to the form and circulate for signatures from the student’s advisor, department chair, and the associate dean, academic affairs.
  2. Academic Services Specialists will forward the fully signed credit transfer request (including transcript) to student services for entry into the student’s record.

Special Circumstance: Credits completed as part of a non-degree program at the CSTM

Up to 12 credits of non-degree coursework, completed at the CSTM prior to matriculation into a CSTM degree program, may be applied toward the aforementioned degree program. Upon admission into a CSTM degree program, students wishing to explore this option should contact the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.

Withdrawal from a Course

The CSTM follows the policies set forthin the University Graduate Catalog.

If you decide to drop a course after the posted add/drop period, you will be responsible for paying whatever portion of the course is not refunded based on the withdrawal date and according to the University'stuition refund schedule. Please note, if you are receiving tuition remission funding, it will be cancelled for the dropped course and you will be responsible for the payment.

Withdraw from BC

The CSTM follows the policies set forthin the University Graduate Catalog.