Faculty, staff, and students are being hit by criminal scams. Don't lose money or control of your computer.

Top 5 Warning Signs of Scams

If any of the below happens to you via phone, email, text, or social media, even if it appears to be from someone you know, STOP.

DO NOT comply or respond if you are asked:

  1. To do something quickly, 鈥淚 am in a meeting, need your help鈥 or 鈥渁ct now [to get this job]鈥
  2. To spend or send money (yours, or BC鈥檚).
  3. To give someone remote access to your computer.
  4. To provide any personal information, SSN, bank account, login information.
  5. To download an application to your device.鈥嬧嬧嬧嬧嬧

Active Scams

  • Student employment scam [learn more from Student Services warning] that offered jobs and asked for bank account information to send payment.
  • Staff scam claiming remote computer access would be needed to track down a lost package.

If you have received a scam or been the victim of one, contact security@bc.edu.