March 7, 2014

Presenter: Shelly Rambo

At the heart of the Christian story is the affirmation that death will not have the final word—that life will, in the end, triumph over death.  Yet for persons and communities living in the aftermath of trauma, this affirmation is difficult to claim, as life is often experienced as fragile and tenuous.  Is there a witness to trauma and the “new normal” within the Christian story?  This session reaches deeply into the resources of the Christian tradition to explore the power of faith amidst the ongoing realities of trauma.

Sponsored by the School of Theology and Ministry

is associate professor of theology at the mdý University School of Theology.  She is the author of  Spirit and Trauma: A Theology of Remaining (2010, Westminster John Knox Press).


In the first part of this series, Shelly Rambo begins by offering a discussion on the topic of trauma, the dynamics of trauma, and how faith can be a resource for healing. 


In Part 2, Shelly Rambo envisions the gospels in new ways by making connections to the experience of trauma.


In Part 3, Shelly Rambo discusses different resources for further engagment with the topic of trauma and healing.