School Notes

Date posted: Mar 15, 2023

The Church: People of God on a Mission

Photo of The Church: People of God on a Mission

Fee: $60
Mar 22, 2023 - Apr 25, 2023

“Communion, Participation, and Mission,” the theme for the Synod on Synodality reflects the life and aspiration of the Catholic Church. How do we come together in Christ with our human diversity? How do we contribute through our various vocations and ministries to the shared life of faith? And how do we carry the message of the Gospel out into the world in fruitful ways?

In this course we reflect on these issues of being church as well as the Church’s teaching role, sacramentality, differences of culture, and the tension between the Church’s transcendent nature and its engagement with the human world.

“We are convinced that the Church must look with penetrating eyes within itself, ponder the mystery of its own being, and draw enlightenment and inspiration” -Pope Paul VIEcclesiam Suam

This course has a required text Morris Pelzel, Ecclesiology: The Church as Communion and Mission. Chicago: Loyola Press, 2002. () ()


Week 1: Introduction to the Cours
Week 2: The Gathering of Disciples
Week 3: Living Baptism in the Church Today
Week 4: Rooted in Word and Sacrament
Week 5: Forming an Evangelizing Church
Week 6: The Church’s Mission

Content Scholars:

Morris Pelzel(text) is the Director of Academic Technology and the Digital Liberal Arts Collaborative at Grinnell College. He also teaches graduate level theology courses online for Creighton University.

Richard Lennan(video) is Professor of Systematic Theology at mdý College School of Theology and Ministry.

Margaret Eletta Guider, O.S.F.(video) is Associate Professor of Missiology at mdý College School of Theology and Ministry.

John F. Baldovin, S.J.(video) is Professor of Liturgy at mdý College School of Theology and Ministry.

Hosffman Ospino(video) is Associate Professor of Hispanic Ministry and Religious Education at mdý College School of Theology and Ministry.

Ernesto (Neto) Valiente(video) is Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at mdý College School of Theology and Ministry.