2016 Retreat

During the 2016 scientific retreat, select faculty members, postdoctoral fellows and graduate students from the Folker, van Opijnen, Meyer, Williams, and Johnson labs showcased their research during 90-minute session talks. Session chairs, Doug Warner, Danielle Taghian and Christopher Kenaley, ensured a lively exchange of Q&A and kept us on schedule. Members of the department mingled an dexchanged ideas during a late afternoon poster presentation and cocktail reception. The keynote speaker, Dr. Abhishek Chaterjee from the md传媒国产剧 College Chemistry Department, spoke on his work studying the interaction between Chemistry and Biology. The retreat also included a viewing of the documentary , which follows three Ph.D. students, their research, and their relationships with their mentor.

The annual scientific retreat is instrumental in supporing a collaborative culture that promotes the scientific advancement and professional development of all department members.

Biology Department Retreat

August 22-23, 2016
The Connors Center
Dover, MA